Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The ONE state Obama should concentrate his campaign efforts.

Firstly, it appears as if Obama is carrying each and every state Kerry carried in 2004. To break it down, here are the states where Obama is ahead in the polls by nearly 20 points (and at times over 20). Mind you, much like some ardent Red States, these are states where the McCain Camp has made the strategic decision to NOT campaign within.

CA, DC, DE, HI, IL, MD, MA, NY, RI, VT = 146 electoral votes

Next are the states that Obama leads by nearly 15 points. Again, these are states that Dems have carried almost consistently for the last generation.

CT, ME, MN, NY, WA = 47 electoral votes

Next are states where Obama is leading by nearly 10 points. All these states, save MI, have voted Dem for the last 16 years.

MI, OR, PA, WI = 55

So far, that's 248 safely for Obama with battleground states yet to predict. Kerry and Gore carried 251 and 266 respectively. Lets assume McCain carries every state leaning in his direction by around 10 points or more as well...we're talking 200 electoral votes right there.


Here is a state by state breakdown; based on USA Today's Poll Headquarters website which base their numbers on polling results from dozens of polling sources all across the country.

OHIO: 48/47 near dead heat, lead McCain
FLORIDA: 47/47 dead heat
COLORADO: 49/48 near dead head, lead Obama
NEW MEXICO: 49/47 lead McCain
NEW HAMPSHIRE: 49/47 lead McCain
NEVADA: 49/46 lead McCain
VIRGINIA: 50/47 lead Obama
IOWA: 51/43 lead Obama

Given his +3 +8 pt. leads in Virginia and Iowa, respectively, lets give these states to Obama +13 +7 +248 = 268...only TWO electoral votes short. Reasoning being Democrats in Virginia are going crazy registering new Democratic Party voters at a rate of 5 to 1.

Despite McCain's narrow lead and the recent trend with the Democratic Party outpacing Republicans with regard to new voter registrations by a 3 to 1 margin within these states, lets give New Mexico, New Hampshire and Nevada to McCain +5 +4 +5 = 214 electoral votes.

And so it comes down to FLORIDA, COLORADO, and OHIO. The undecided voters in these states will determine the Presidency...the Bastards. Obama needs to carry only ONE OF THESE STATES to get over 270 for the win.

Florida has voted for the Bushs' but voted for Clinton in 1996. Ohio voted for Dubya both times, but Clinton both times. Colorado voted for Clinton in 1992, but Republican since. Obama's best bet is Colorado (9 electoral votes) where he is leading by only ONE point. It's his best bang for the buck in terms of campaign dollars and its all he needs to win. He can relinquish Florida and Ohio..."F" Ohio and their undecided "Look at Me!...Look at Me! I'm so effing politically important" constituents.

And that's the way I see it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I can't say it any better than Kathleen Parker...(from National Review)


Great article from a Palin supporter.

Just some highlights of the article:

"No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”

When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself."

....that stings....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Katie Couric's interview with Sarah Palin.

OH...MY...GOD. Don't take my word for it,...you have to see it to believe it.

I've come full circle with Palin. I've went from being demoralized, to being fearful, to being cynical...and finally, being ashamed. I actually feel sorry for her. The interview was nearly, NO, completely embarrassing, and I can't fathom ANYONE with any semblance of respect for the Presidency, our Executive Branch, our Nation's history, or FOR THEIR OWN INTELLIGENCE that would see her performance as anything other than pitiful. It was hard to even watch...but I continued anyway, examining and assessing her delivery, fund of knowledge, and articulation and was in near disbelief at what I was hearing. Democrats aside, I don't know how any self-respecting Republican can see that interview and say "Wow, she really knows what she's talking about. She seems to really be in command of the issues."

It was soo horrendously bad that even FOX News couldn't spin it positively especially considering Couric was nothing but respectful throughout. I believe the Right-wing talking head political strategist and conservative radio hosts will counter by focusing on the left's hatred for Palin and her values...it's their best bet and only play at this point.

Granted, I've heard some Obama interviews that were less than spectacular, where he'd pause and stutter with his responses. But I've also watched THREE Primary debates, TWO open forums with McCain, about SIX press conferences, and FOUR unscripted interviews including O'Rielly's, and make no mistake, he has been great more times than not and has been even brilliantly compelling at others. But what we're talking about here is NOT a difference in degree, but in order of magnitude.

Let me step back just a bit.

I work in a career where I talk all the time. Furthermore, I must be compelling in my arguments regarding my decisions about whether to grant or deny a client a service. I hear pitches from advocates EVERYDAY and, with regards to my denials, I must display compassion, credibility, expertise, intelligence, and be quick to counter any possible retorts, and all with respectfulness and a sense of common concern (I'm sure theDiscourser does this crap all day as well).

The thing is, I KNOW BULLSHIT. I know when I'm not being convincing, when I'm not in my comfort zone, when I'm lost in my words, when I can't finish and begin to ramble, when I flail about trying to express an idea, when I am presented with questions I can't answer with any authority. Basically, I know when I'm in over my head...and Palin was in worse shape than that. I have a pretty good feeling that I (and I'm not even a Republican!), without even any campaign talking point preparation, could have given better answers re. national security and foreign policy as it relates to her state's geographic positioning.

It was at this point where I started feeling for her as a person, about how much of her Party's hopes must weigh on her, to have that expectation placed upon you....about how uncomfortable she must be feeling, with the eyes of the Country on her, being pelted with questions she'd never even thought about hearing or answering up until a month ago. And unlike Bush, who is battle tested and maniacally fervent in the strength of his beliefs (which somewhat makes up for his lack of articulation), Palin struggled to appear confident when caught again and again and again with questions she knew she could not answer in a way that was compelling even to her. At several points she came back to campaign mantras which politicians do at times when they feel a bit lost. But she did it so often, it came across less about "I'm not going to answer that because it's not a valid question" to more about "I'm not going to answer that because I have no clue how to answer". There was one painful point when she floundered tongue-tied and Couric had to step in and right the ship, so to speak...talk about kid gloves, Couric looked like she wanted to hug Palin afterwards.

I'm actually angry with the McCain campaign for not having properly prepared her, but I now realize why she's been sequestered from the Press. I don't know how this can be spun. I can't imagine her in a press conference with 100 journalists peppering her with questions and the campaign coming away from that experience with a "WIN", unless you can spin "PITY".

Just to give some contrast, as much as I can't stand G. Bubya, I've listened to many MANY of his morning White House press conferences over the years on KCBS on my morning commute, and he has surprised me from time to time with how he's been able to quickly fashion viable arguments on the fly (however dyslexic the syntax and questionable the information his arguments are based on). And however wrong he has been, he is compelling in his confidence and can weave an argument by supplying and displaying a fund of knowledge and a mastery of the issues. But Palin makes Dubya look like frickin Aristotle.

One last thing. Mark this date...it is Friday morning, 9/26/08, and I have a prediction regarding the Republican campaign. We know that McCain is a gambling man, prone to big and bold moves in his career and his campaign (think his choice of VP, shortening the RNC, canceling the debate, etc.). I can't see how he thinks he can win with Palin at this point. Though she's rallied the base and raised a helluva lot of money, she become a liability...but there is a way out for him. I predict that Palin will bow out of the campaign for personal reasons, citing family concerns. It will be believable and the base will be compassionate while the Republican power brokers can breath a sigh of relief and bring in someone credible. Probably Huckabee 1st, Romney 2nd, and Lieberman 3rd. I'm completely serious with this one. The polls are CRAP for McCain and with the debates ahead, I can't see how he sees it going well for him.

Tell me what you think.

I have my car back!

After 2 weeks without my car, I finally picked it up this morning! Just getting to my mechanic's shop was an ordeal BTW. My wife dropped me off at the corner where I jumped on the AC-Transit 50 Westbound at 7:15 AM...the bus was packed with Alameda High students. Got off at Fruitvale BART and jumped on the Daly City/SF line at 7:52. Again, it was packed to the gills with commuters and I had to stand until Embarcadero. Arrived at Daly City at 8:35 and jumped on the Millbrae BART at 8:42. I was the only one disembarking at Millbrae at 8:56. Hurried on over to CalTrain and jumped onto the Southbound train at 9:01, fell asleep, and again, I was the last one off at the end of the line, Tamien, at 10:15. Now for the 2 mile walk to my mechanic's shop which wasn't as bad as I expected...I've almost fully recovered from my cold and the sky was slightly overcast. I arrived at my shop at 11 O'clock, three hours and forty-five minutes after hopping on a bus at Alameda.

My car was sitting there looking gorgeous and clean. My mechanic said that it was in tip-top condition, crazy solid and crazy fast. For the first time since I blew my old little turbos almost a year ago has the car driven this smoothly...and what a saga to get to this point. Weekend after weekend, month after month, part after part, and finally the car is working as it should.

Merging onto 101 North, I immediately realized how broken my car had been. The motor is quiet (except for the outrageous exhaust) with not one little hiccup, no boost lag, no throttle cut, no bogging, no throttle bucking, no boost spiking, and no boost fluttering...all symptoms I had once had over the past year. I slowly rolled on the throttle and the boost needle held perfectly at 21 PSI and tapered nicely to 18 PSI...my entire body pressed into my seat back. I can't even tell you how happy I am.

ThePerfectLine called me to tell me to park my car in my garage, hermetically seal it in saran-wrap, and sell the beast ASAP...and I agree. But my goodness, I've never driven the car EVER in this condition and it is intoxicating. I almost want to keep it for a couple extra months just to enjoy my massive outlay of cash...but then reason kicks in.

I'll be putting it up for sale in November and she'll have a new home by December. And I'll have to make sure the new owner realizes how much effort and sacrifice I've put into her over the past several years.

As for my next car, I'll tell you this, I won't be driving her as much. I'll be taking public transportation as much as I can in order to keep miles of the odometer and save a bit of money to boot. And I'll keep her as close to stock as I possibly can...particularly with regard to the motor.

Anywayz, I'm off to lunch.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Still sick at home.

It was hot in Alameda last night, but despite the heat, I shivered under the covers. Before I put out the light, I took my temp....101.1. I hate fevers and the way it makes me feel like I have gauze wrapped around my head. I'm dizzy....but I've been eating everything in sight. Yesterday, I had 3 bowls of cereal, a large can of Chili, a large bowl of Japanese noodles with egg, half a Pizza, a good sized sandwich, half a box of chocolate chip cookies, and several glasses of juice and milk...and I still feel completely empty. If I wasn't so sick and sapped of my energy, I'd be making a huge meal for myself...think 8 cups of rice and 2 cans of Spam...mmmmmm.

Before settling down last night, I blasted my nose with nasal-spray, took 4 Ibuprofen, swigged a Nightime Anti-cough concoction, and blew my nose until I saw blood...okay, not that hard, but I got every bit out. I also changed my out-going messages at work and it apparently did the job...no-one called me on my cell all day.

This morning, I woke at 10:30, took my temp, 100.1, headed downstairs dizzy and ate more food. I smell given I've been sweating for 36 hours straight, haven't changed out of my heavy clothing, and haven't showered. I should bath before my wife gets home BTW.

Watched "The Day the Earth Stood Still" from start to finish on A&E...great movie. But I have to say, there are some completely silly parts to that film where my mind had to try very hard to look past in order to make the movie work...which it does. Firstly, during the evenings, they have TWO and ONLY TWO armed guards protecting the landing site, but during the day, they show Tanks and Howitzers at the ready with teams of soldiers milling about. I guess they believe that Alien invaders need sleep too. Also, how the HELL does GORT manage to walk across town UNSEEN to pick up "Carpenter/Klatu's" body from the Police Station...HOW, I ASK YOU?! Otherwise, this movie is awesome. I'm looking forward to the remake this year.

Also been keeping a close watch on the Theater that is the Presidential Election. Sometime around 1:30 PST, McCain made an announcement that he is calling off Friday's debate with Obama given the economic crisis the nation is experiencing. He wants to cancel the debate because "There is work to be done by both sides of the aisle" and that the both of them should "STOP THEIR CAMPAIGN", head back to Washington and work with Congress to get Bush's plan passed ASAP. Great politics....initially....a cynical move ultimately. Obama came right back and gave some contrast basically saying "we can walk and chew gum at the same time, can't we?" and that this is the time when Americans NEED to see the differences between the candidates and their future plans...so he called off McCain's "Call-off". The press is loving every minute of this show, and I'm cynical enough about the Media to believe that it is in their best interest to keep this race tight till the end.

I'm hungry again and will eat more food now.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm sick and at home today.

1. I've come down with Ebolized Whooping cough. Could not go to work today. The thought of having to walk to the bus and take Bart to work kept me in my bed this morning. I got up at around 10:30, had a bowl of cereal, and watched an hour of "the Most Deadly" on Animal Planet. Apparently, you don't want to accidentally step on a Stone Fish.

2. Got a call from my mechanic, and I braced myself for the damage. I've been catastrophizing and ruminating about all sorts of expensive scenarios. Luckily, I came away nearly unscathed. Turns out it was just a wastegate line from the N75 valve, which means the motor did not need to be pulled!...thank you Lord. I'm picking up the car tomorrow. My mechanic says the car is running perfectly...but the question for me is always: How long is that going to last? So I'm continuing with my plans to have it sold by November. The next owner will have a one hell of a crazy fast car.

3. Re. the Large Hadron Collider, I talked with theProf. on the phone. I've always thought that the Universe and the Big-Bang could be represented with an equation...I was wrong. Though theProf. admits he's no expert, he reminded me that equations simply represent ideas; nothing more and nothing less. My brain no longer hurts thinking about it.

4. Shopping around for new cars. I've narrowed it down to the following: 06' or 07' Subaru STI (RA or Spec-C spec mod. equivalent), EVOLUTION 8 or 9 GSR (Modified Street time-attack spec), or E46 M3 (bone-stock).

5. I'm crawling into bed now....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Higgs Boson and the Large Hadron Supercollider

Preface: I am totally talking out my ass. I barely passed Trig and had a difficult time with Stats in college so I barely have a clue as to the what the F#$% the LHC even does or will attempt to prove. This is a response to theProf.'s post re. Higgs Boson:


Prof, yes you could have killed and eaten your cousins but then again, that's a near improbability...bear with me...I'm an idiot. I need some help with the concepts. So, I'm assuming you're in your library in your home right now. Make sure the cats are out of the room, close the sliding door, sit on your swivel chair, grab the half empty Diet Coke (TM) next to your mouse, raise it above the floor, and release. In this event, there are infinite probabilities of what might occur, but there is a near 100% probability of its outcome...that the can will fall onto your hardwood flooring. Of course, with infinite probabilities, a 727 could, a millisecond before the can strikes the surface of your hardwood, crash into your house disintegrating the can, you, and your hardwood flooring. Or the Sun could go Nova, or a tunneling black hole can swallow up Pacifica, or a lightning bolt can fall out of the sky, obliterating the can and your library. Or my favorite, extra-terrestrial invaders from System 3578 could target your Diet Coke Can as their first initial strike in their plans for World Domination...hey, why not?...there are infinite probabilities. ANYTHING could happen, however improbable.

I sorta understand that however improbable, however remote the outlier out 1 Trillion standard deviations, that THAT outcome is represented infinitely along a ray. But here is my question. There are certain events that are assured, where there are no other possible outcomes...ex. 2+2=4. Is then the Universe's ultimate equation Zero=Infinity? If the strong force and the weak force, gravity, and electromagnetic force a certainty with ZERO deviations in probability, then does the LHC replicate conditions within the Big-Bang? Are they attempting to simulate that 1 trillionth standard deviation as it relates to sub-atomic particles? Is then the Big-Bang an event with only ONE possible outcome from a particle physics perspective?

I'm confusing myself as I'm writing. I can't conceive of infinite Universes representing infinite outcomes to infinite events. But the question I have is regarding the word "Probable"...infinite "Probable" events. All outcomes must at least be probable according to the laws of physics. The can can't simply turn into an elephant...its a can, no more, no less. Now how does that relationship apply to sub-atomic particles? What exactily are they trying to do with the LHC?

Why I need to know this?...I don't know.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Hi Carly Fiorina foot, say hello to Carly Fiorina's mouth".

Carly Finorina, former CEO of HP and most recently a senior economic advisor for the McCain campaign, was demoted from her once lofty position as lead spokeswoman for McCain's Straight Talk Express yesterday. Why?...because the left-wing-media took her words out of context? or presented misleading snippets that depicted a false portrayal? No, the left-wing-media didn't fire her...the McCain Campaign fired her.

Appearing on a KTRS Radio show in St. Louis, Fiorina was asked by the host re. Palin, "Do you think she has the experience to run a major company like Hewlett Packard?" Fiorina responded, "No I don't,...but that's not what she's running for. Running a corporation is a different set of things." That's a great answer, a really good answer, straight talk kinda answer, and revealed Fiorina's true feelings.

You see, Fiorina has a hell of a resume. She attended Stanford, UCLA School of Law, University of Maryland (my wife's Alma Matter), and MIT Sloan School. She ran Lucent Technologies and was ranked #1 most powerful woman in business by Fortune in 1998, and ran Hewlett-Packard from 1999 to 2005. She has been a staunch supporter and chief economic advisor to the McCain campaign since early 2008. She is, to use the California colloquialism, "hella" smart.

And she spoke the truth.

Now lets step back. When the networks got wind of this, they jumped on it like a pack of hyenas on a caribou carcass on the open plains of the Serengeti (I'm channelling theDiscourser right there) and scrambled to get an on-camera elaboration...and they did. Later that day, she appeared on NBC with Andrea Mitchell and everyone expected her to take back what she had said, claim that her depiction was taken out of context, tell the nation that she has the utmost respect for Palin's intellect and is coming on NBC to let everyone know this.

What happened was stunning. She not only did NOT take it back, but said that McCain couldn't run a company either, and that none of the candidates can.


Another truthful answer, but it was a terrible answer from a political perspective. I honestly believe that if you were a friend of Carly's, hangin out having a beer or cup of coffee with her, away from any cameras or recording devices, she would tell you EXACTLY what she told the press...and I'm sure in a much less diplomatic way. She gave a straight answer.

Fiorina is imminently more qualified than Palin and I can tell you honestly that if Fiorina was chosen, I certainly would not have the same kind of revolting response as I've had with Palin's pick.

Anywayz, I'm currently reading, courtesy of theProf., "South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias". Good book actually, an "indictment" (too strong a word really) on media bias. My issue is in regards to conservative radio. Right-wing talk shows dominate radio talk show programming across the country: 1000+ affiliates to some 65. As the book demonstrates, this phenomenon is a "revolt" against mainstream media sources. But "revolt" aside, we're still talking 100 million listeners a week...Rush has 14 million just by himself. Not to claim that this tips the scale but nevertheless, Right wing media exists, flourishes, and impacts public perception.

I want to leave you with one more item regarding Right Wing Perception:

"* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barrack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
* If , while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.
* If you're husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

OK, much clearer now.

You are The Boss... which team would you hire?

With America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.

Educational Background:
Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

*& Biden:*
University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank *894* of 899

*& Palin*:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire


Monday, September 15, 2008

My legs are destroyed.

Sunday 11:00 AM: jogged (Gallaway training method) a 4 mile route around southern Bay Farm Island with my wife.

Sunday 12:30 PM: Stretched lower body.

Sunday 5:00 PM: biked 4 miles to 24-Hour Fitness on a borrowed bike from theAcupunturist. The seat is hard as a rock and after a mile my ass was in so much pain that I could no longer sit on the seat. My legs are on fire and my quads felt like they were going to burst through my skin...yucky feeling.

Sunday 5:30 PM: circuit weight trained. 22 circuit sets to complete muscular failure.

Sunday 6:15 PM: stretched upper body.

Sunday 6:30 PM: got on theAcupunturist's bike and pedaled 2 miles when I realized that the rear tire was flat. Walked the remaining 2 miles. My legs are quivering and numb.

Sunday 11:30 PM: I fell asleep within minutes.

Monday 8:10 AM: I'm running late and had to jog 1.7 miles to the Harbor Bay Ferry Building in slacks and dress shoes. My feet hurt and I am soaked in sweat but arrive at the terminal in 16 minutes flat and was the last one on...so much for my shower. My legs are twitching uncontrollably.

Monday 4:35 PM: I will be taking Bart then the Ferry and will slowly walk the 1.7 miles home. Walking stairs is agonizing. I think I need crutches, or maybe a rolling walker at this point.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Political ranting has become unhealthy for me...so I'm stopping.

Its as if a fire has been lit underneath me in the wake of Sarah Palin's choice as VP by McCain. I can seriously go on and on and on AND ON about her, but I've told myself to stop because its become psychologically unhealthy for me.

Let me explain: I look forward to those quiet moments during my commute or those several minutes after I say goodnight to my wife where my mind is free to roam and indulge in day-dream fantasies about cars, driving, reminiscing about the past, gaming, sci-fi, how I'd spend a billion dollars, sports, Ruy Lopez chess openings, movies, books, characters, world domination, extra-terrestrial invasion, post-apocalyptic scenarios, etc.etc. This down time has always done the trick in terms of diverting my attention away from more serious day to day issues related to work duties, finances, relationships and so on. Unfortunately, this past week, my down time has been utterly dominated with ruminating about the horrific prospect of Palin becoming our VP or worse, our President.

I've imagined a nation where Sex Education is removed from any conversation in school between teacher/expert and student...where courses are shut down and experts told they aren't needed. I've imagined a nation where our leaders characterize the only morally acceptable conversation between parent and child regarding teen sex as "We expect you to abstain from sex......."....silence....THE END. I've imagined a nation where ALL children are taught Creationism as a scientific theory in their science courses. I've imagined a nation where International Diplomacy is completely eschewed and where our Allies are ignored. I've imagined a nation where gay people and immigrants are openly targeted as villains. I've imagined a nation where the medically and psychiatrically disabled are treated as fiscal burdens. I've imagined a nation where books are banned because it had offended a "small-town" person's moral sensibilities. I've imagined a McCarthiest nation where rampant paranoia of all outsiders and non-conformists are encouraged. But then I realize I'm in that physiological space in those few minutes before you sleep where reason loses grip and the unconscious begins to take hold. This Pre-Sleep state leaves one highly suggestable, where logic becomes vulnerable.

The reasons my pre-sleep day-dream fantasies are soo enjoyable are the same reasons I readily catastrophize post Palin America scenarios. I have to remind myself that the checks and balances built into our government by our wise Founding Fathers would NEVER EVER EVER EVER allow anything close to my fantasies from ever happening. I can now say that reason and logic has won out. Last night I dreamt about a Lord of the Sith commandeering the Enterprise and how utterly cool that story might play out.

I'm back to being my completely nerdy geeky self. However, make no mistake, I still think Palin is an Evangelical nut-job with God mandated and inspired plans to mold and prepare our Nation for the "End of Days". But even if she is, it simply doesn't bother me as much, and even better....I'm no longer losing any sleep over it.

Friday, September 05, 2008

More on Sarah Palin...please, someone stop me!

I can't seem to get enough of this woman! I've tried to take on a more diplomatic stance on most issues political (as theProf. has mentioned) but her speech has pressed one to many buttons. Just two more things:

1. Palin's political platform, her calling card if you will, has been her staunch opposition for teen sex education and support of an "abstinence only" policy. She slashed state funding for teen moms in Alaska.


Meanwhile her daughter gets pregnant at 16. And Christian Conservatives rally around and call her a beacon and an example of Christian family values? To be fair, she's only 6 months pregnant and we have to wait and see how her personal values and political policy evolve in light of her daughter's pregnancy...then again, its really none of my business. However, I'd need to seriously reconsider my poor judgement of her as a politician if by chance she were to change her stance...but I doubt she has the Wisdom to recognize the opportunity to look past her Evangelical mindset to do WHAT IS RIGHT for soo many less fortunate young mothers who, JUST LIKE HER DAUGHTER, got pregnant at too young an age. Note: I serve low income mothers as part of my job...so I should say that it IS MY BUSINESS if the White House were to champion this cause.

2. She has a special needs child. I commend and applaud her for keeping the child (to me, there was no other choice to make in the matter) and adhering and living up to her Pro-Life principles and values. I work EVERYDAY with people with developmental disabilities and psychiatric illnesses. Its my job to find them housing when their parents, who had cared for them their entire lives, pass-away. I know about the lifetime of challenges these parents and care-givers confront everyday. My problem is how she can say:

"To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House."

but had slashed funding for special needs kids by 62% in her State of Alaska:


Is this typical "Compassionate Conservative" lip service without the concomitant policy to back up the rhetoric? I hope I'm wrong, but this is what I'm used to seeing.

Just one local and personal example...in California, Prop. 63 (funding to provide care and emergency housing to the near 60,000 indigent, homeless and mentally disabled) was blocked by the Republicans in our State Congress for nearly 18 months. I wonder what kind of world the extreme right-wing want to design? I hope theProf. can give me some hope (he usually provides a little perspective), but in my line of work, serving the silent mass of disabled, its a constant battle to get anything in the way of services to people who have NOTHING...no money, no family, no resources of any kind, no purpose in life, and no sanity. We can debate what part politics on either side had to play in getting to this mess but the problem remains and must be dealt with.

Just one more thing. Found a Blog that I find absolutely hilarious...granted it is wholly much to cynical to be taken seriously. Here is an excerp and the link:

Oh America. You sad, stupid, spoiled bitch. You wasted gilded heifer marching on the killing floor with a bible up your ass and a twinkle in you somniferent eye. You stupid stupid nation. Look how far afield psychoworld you’ve taken us. The Sarah Palin VP pick has really put something into horrifying perspective for me. This is how America got here. We were led by Morons and Hypocrites — Neither of which could have gotten this far without the other. In fact, they are the two major governing factions of our country. They do not align left or right, top or bottom, forward or backward. They simply align according to the Moron National Party and the Hypocrite National Party. They are the governing faction.

The Hypocrites (HNP) would be nowhere without the support of the Morons (MNP). For example, whenever the rest of the nation, regardless of IQ, occasionally awakes and questions the absurd american tax policy. The HNP is threatened. They will immediately reach out to the MNP and clearly show that

a)Absurd Tax Policies Keep Abortions from happening

b)Absurd Tax Policies Keep Illegals from Entering The Country

c)Absurd Tax Policies Keep Your Family Safe

d)Jesus Loves the Absurd Tax Policies, shouldn't you?

So off they scamper, hand in hand leading our nation: The Uber-Wealthy and the Uber-Stupid.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just watched Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC.

...boy, I think the Dems are in trouble. Okay, not to get too carried away here; the bar was set quite low and she did deliver one hell of a speech. It was great theater at best, demonstrated a high level of stagecraft, didn't pretend to be anything she wasn't, and certainly we can thank a GW Bush campaign speech writer, Matthew Scully as much as we can the orator.

But I say it again less facetiously...the Dems are in trouble. During the last two presidential campaigns, it can be said that the Republicans ran better campaigns...and conversely, the Dems made blunders. I believe, and I hope I'm wrong, that the Biden and Palin choices speak again to the legacy of missteps on the part of the Dems and of shrewd political manueverings on the part of the Repubs.

But what happened last night at the RNC with Palin was clear: Palin solidified the Conservative base, unified the Party, and set the political cross-hairs squarely in the battle-ground states.

I can't say it better then the following talking heads so here is a recap of last night's post Palin speech comments, paraphrased unless quoted:

- Rudy Julliani: Without Hillary, the Obama camp have relinquished all to important electoral demographics; small-town America, women voters, as well as Midwest battleground states. Palin has placed herself squarely into these niches. She is the "Cultural Contrast" to Barrack and Michelle.

- Karl Rove: "McCain has found his attack dog." She came out swinging and made no apologies for being a small town hockey mom. And she can stab you deeply with a barb and smile at you while she's doing it.

- Paul Begalla: Palin is a "Cultural Warrior". She represents every-woman, and her family represents every middle American family. Her story resonates with alot of Americans and whether she is liked by liberals or the media is irrelevant. Want counts is that she is liked by conservatives.

- Alex Castellas: She appeals to populist America, small-town America, and Reagan Democrats. She represents a value system that still exists and exists quite strongly among and within a large part of this country.

- Wolf Blitzer: While the Dems have yet to fully consolidate and made little headway in uniting their party, the Republicans in contrast had much less drama during their Primary, united their party with less fanfare, and with Palin's choice is reaching far and deeply into the void left by Hillary Clinton.

- Me, theSupergoober: The task set before her was to solidify the evangelical conservative base in rural red-states. And with those voters, she hit a home run. What she so miserably failed at accomplishing, given her smug and insolent sarcasm, was to establish ANY credibility with ANY part of America that does not include "small-town folk". Her utter lack of humility combined with an attitude re. politics that displays a belief that she simply has nothing more to learn with regard to the Presidency and the people in the United States speaks directly to her arrogance and abject naivety to which she proudly wears like a frikin badge of honor.

The most offensive part of her speech was how she attempted to discredit Obama supporters by minimizing their experience, as if they were merely lulled by his candor and eloquence. She tells us not to be fooled, and essentially urges us to STOP LISTENING to him....Hmmm....interesting. Stop listening....like she tells people in her state of Alaska to STOP LISTENING to the experts on global warming and listen instead to the canned studies put forth by the oil industries. Or when she tells the school children in her State of Alaska to STOP LISTENING to sex education because it promotes promiscuity and by no means protect children against acquiring STD's or attempt to stem the tide of unwanted pregnancies and increasing rates of abortion. Or when she tells the parents to have their children to STOP LISTENING and opt out of courses and books that run counter to their creationism beliefs. Or when she tells us to STOP LISTENING to our allies and the majority of her fellow Americans when they say that all attempts at Diplomacy must be exhausted before we carpet bomb. Or when she tells her small town to STOP LISTENING and demands that the library remove books that she finds offensive.

Palin is not the New Maverick as was touted by McCain. No, she's an old school Conservative Republican and of a particular type that I simply can't stand. Obama should have a field day with her. Her rhetoric is precisely the type that he can't stand for in politics. Palin was chosen to "divide" but I believe our Country is better than the one she envisions. I truly hope more Americans than not see through her and the Republican campaign's line of bullshit because Palin is precisely what we do NOT need anymore in American politics.

The Presidential Race so far....IMHO

Regarding Obama's choice of running mate:

Obama's choice of Biden as his running mate attempts to shore up areas of definciencies in his political resume, namely Beltway experience and foreign policy. Also, on the face of it, Biden appeals to the Democratic base. The choice explicitly attempts to counter the Republican campaign's attack on his lack of political credibility given his junior congressional status.

The negatives, unfortunately, outweigh the positive.

1. The Obama campaign has failed to address a schism in the Democratic party, namely the near 19 million primary votes for Hillary Clinton. Biden had a mere 9000 by comparison.

2. NOT choosing Hillary speaks to three errors in judgement. Firstly, it appears as if Obama has erroneously assessed the vehemence and conviction within Clinton supporters. Secondly, Obama has revealed a bit of naivety regarding the Democratic Party's capacity to unify despite the long and contentious primary battle. And thirdly, it is within those demographics that Hillary did well within that Obama has failed to respond to with his choice of Biden. Hillary grabbed the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, the rural vote, the Midwest and Red State votes, and the blue-collar vote. Bidens choice does little to appeal to these electoral demographics.

3. Implicit within Obama's choice is a near arrogance in his ability to sway voters within electoral demographics in which he has done poorly...even within his own party. If he couldn't sway the rural, Hispanic, female, blue-collar Democratic vote in the primaries, what makes him think he can pull these same votes AS WELL AS the Republican voters within these same electoral areas in a national election.

4. Also implicit in his choice is an alignment and a validation of the Kennedy legacy paired with a silent contempt for the Clinton's. I know "contempt" is a strong word but I can't think of a better word that fits the situation.

Then again, winning the Presidency at all costs is not in Obama's political playbook. Choosing Hillary would have been an easier path to the White House, but I truly believe he couldn't bring himself to choosing a running mate whose political vision is soo counter to his own. I like Obama and support him so I'm giving him alot of leeway on his choice of running mate.

Regarding McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate.

On the face of it, the political motivation for this choice appears transparent.

1. Democratic primary exit polls suggest that the Gender issue is one not to be eschewed. The "Puma Vote" (man, I hate using this term but pundits are actually throwing it around the various network political situation rooms!) is a demographic that cannot be denied in this election cycle. A full 20 percent of Hillary voters (depending on the poll) voted for Hillary for ONE REASON; she is a WOMAN...now THAT is a powerful political point to exploit.

2. Palin is a true-blue Christian Conservative. The conservative base within the Republican Party have been a bit disenchanted with McCain, but Palin's choice has quickly galvanized this voting group. Christian conservative talking heads have come out in droves in just the last three days to rally around Palin to defend against media attacks on her children, family, and values. Kudos to them...LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT OF IT!

3. Palin is decidedly NOT a Washington politician. Her LACK of experience can be easily spun to the McCain campaign's advantage. However, their campaign will also need to withdraw, or at least re-phrase their attacks on Obama's LACK of experience lest they appear hypocritical.

Now about McCain; Fred Thompson's speech last night cemented my feelings of heartfelt appreciation for John McCain. I have always respected the man. He is a Hero, a true Maverick, and a politician who has demonstrated time and time again that his beliefs have NEVER been guided by Party affiliation...and his slogan is absolutely spot on, "Country First". He is his own man, and a man that the Republicans can stand behind...and if Obama were to lose the election, a man that this Nation can feel comfortable with in protecting our Country. But I won't vote for him...not because I don't like him. I won't vote for him because I don't entirely agree with his political vision...and more so because I support Obama.

As for Palin, this woman scares the HELL out of me. I've read a few things about her that have been nothing less than frightening given personal sensibilities. I hope they're false but this is what I've read (see ontheissues.org).

- She is decidedly Pro-Life and against a Woman's Right to Choose and against stem cell research.

- She is against providing health and spousal benefits to gay couples.

- Not more than four years ago when she was Mayor of a tiny town of 8000, she attempted to ban books at the local library because she believed they were politically subversive and/or offensive.

- She supports an oil industry political lobbying group whose agenda is, simply, removing ALL (as in A-L-L, and I'm not exaggerating) governmental regulations and restrictions on industrial growth and expansion in pristine environments.

- She urges and has supported legislation mandating public schools teach Creationism alongside Evolution in Science classes. This is a deal breaker for me, my friends. Also supported legislation that allows parents to have their children opt out of classes and books that they find "offensive". Also supported bills that would remove sex education from schools.

- Does not believe that Global Warming has been affected by human industry NOR does she believe that we can do anything to stem the tide, so why bother?

- Her environmental record has demonstrated consistent support for industry versus a lack of interest in environmental concerns. Ex. Salmon vs. Mining, Old-growth vs. timber industry, Polar Bear vs. oil industry.

- Health Care should be market driven and has a "Reap what you sow" attitude regarding health and health care.

- And, granted her Alaskan Governorship would not ask for her to have a public policy stance on the following issues, but I worry about and have a feeling re. how she might lean toward with respect to: immigrants, undocumented workers, general attitude toward Hispanic immigrants, the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties, foreign policy, national gun laws, national health care issues, national education issues.

Needless to say, from what I've read, Palin's values clearly do not resonate with my own. But I should add two more things before I end. I do not want to diminish her political success in any way. She is an ass-kicker and deserves all the credit due to her for her accomplishments. And the second thing,...damn, she is cute.

My GOODNESS,...I HAVE to get back to work!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Our backyard deck, Geek weekend, and Movie review.

After several weeks of effort, the deck is finally complete.

1. Stripped the old worn stain with BEHR Stain stripper. This stuffs chemical make-up is akin to Alien Blood. I accidentally splashed it on my arm and leg and it burnt a hole through my skin within 30 seconds. I'll show you the scar to prove it. Thank goodness I was wearing eye protection during a particularly clumsy moment when I dropped the brush into the tray and a large "plop" flew up right into my eye. It made quick work of the existing stain but the process was a PITA none-the-less.

2. Removed and replaced rotted boards with new redwood 2 x 6 x 12's.

3. Puttied up screw and nail holes to prevent future and further rotting.

4. Sanded down some rough spots and putty over-fills.

5. BEHR #63 Redwood prep and wood cleaner. This stuff was a breeze to work with and completely eliminated the tannin bleed you get with Redwood.

6. And finally slathered on 2 coats of semi-transparent BEHR Wood-toned stain and sealant. It looks fantastic, but a bit too red for my wife's taste.

As for the Gathering of the Gaggle of Geeks, that was this weekend. I managed to get down on Friday night and Sunday night for some gaming. Friday was spent playing a Hero-System game run by The Warden called "Gifts from the Grave". Super Fun! The characters were members of a SWAT Team from a small but well funded Police Force for a Las Vegas bedroom community. Needless to say, the game was about Zombies...and hundreds of them. I couldn't stay for the finish but I had a feeling that none of us were really meant to survive.

Sunday we played some L5R. I rolled miserably and at one point had Zero Void, down 24 Hit Points, and poisoned by Kumo Oni venom. I was in a most dis-honorable state.

Watched a French film with my wife...."The Flight of the Red Balloon". This movie was the epitome of the French Film cliche. After one hour and fifty seven minutes, neither of us had any clue as to what the "F" the film was about. It had no discernable plot, no moral, no apparent meaning, no character analysis, no character journey, nothing!

This one scene will put it all in perspective: a young French boy (the apparent and primary protagonist) and his Korean Nanny walk from left to right on the screen and exit a room via a door on the extreme right panel. The door closes.....the room is empty now but the camera continues to roll unmoving and completely silent for another 40 seconds...WTF! The director did this several times. I mean I GET IT when you do it once or twice in an effort to forcibly convey the emptiness in the space, or to demonstrate the "light" within a character by placing the viewer with them and then have that character leave the panel for an extended period...a method of enticing Want. But its done over and over again.

There were several scenes that went on for close to 15 minutes where the camera rolled one seamless shot, and in the background, the characters went about there daily business; the nanny cleaning, the mother on the phone, the boy reading a book, the blind piano tuner tuning the piano...all of it with no real dialogue, all of it improvisational, all of it with no sense, no meaning as to what the director was trying to convey! I simply did not get this film at all.

When it comes to film, I love the subtle more than most. I revel in symbolic language and enjoy films that require one to be totally focused to the smallest detail and nuance. But this film was completely over the top with regard to directoral self-indulgence. The last scene attempted to insert meaning but I found it to be completely and utterly condescending. I'll describe: I'm convinced that any viewer watching this film would be as lost as the two of us were. The last scene brings you to the Louvre where a classroom of first graders on a field trip are placed in front of a famous painting of a boy running after a Red Balloon. The painting is as cryptic as the movie. The proctor then asks them what the painting is about and several excited children chimed in with their theories. Their answers were decidedly childlike with their use of imagination. Then the camera shows a Red Balloon floating around the screen for a good 4 minutes...then "End Credits"...are you frickin kidding me!!

This movie was a complete waste of my time. I did not learn anything, or grow as a person, or experience any emotions related to the story, or taken for a ride, or entertained in any way, or preached to, or given any perspective on anything. It has, however, succeeded in one thing: pissing me off...and in that regard, this movie did a fantastic job.