Monday, September 08, 2008

Political ranting has become unhealthy for I'm stopping.

Its as if a fire has been lit underneath me in the wake of Sarah Palin's choice as VP by McCain. I can seriously go on and on and on AND ON about her, but I've told myself to stop because its become psychologically unhealthy for me.

Let me explain: I look forward to those quiet moments during my commute or those several minutes after I say goodnight to my wife where my mind is free to roam and indulge in day-dream fantasies about cars, driving, reminiscing about the past, gaming, sci-fi, how I'd spend a billion dollars, sports, Ruy Lopez chess openings, movies, books, characters, world domination, extra-terrestrial invasion, post-apocalyptic scenarios, etc.etc. This down time has always done the trick in terms of diverting my attention away from more serious day to day issues related to work duties, finances, relationships and so on. Unfortunately, this past week, my down time has been utterly dominated with ruminating about the horrific prospect of Palin becoming our VP or worse, our President.

I've imagined a nation where Sex Education is removed from any conversation in school between teacher/expert and student...where courses are shut down and experts told they aren't needed. I've imagined a nation where our leaders characterize the only morally acceptable conversation between parent and child regarding teen sex as "We expect you to abstain from sex......."....silence....THE END. I've imagined a nation where ALL children are taught Creationism as a scientific theory in their science courses. I've imagined a nation where International Diplomacy is completely eschewed and where our Allies are ignored. I've imagined a nation where gay people and immigrants are openly targeted as villains. I've imagined a nation where the medically and psychiatrically disabled are treated as fiscal burdens. I've imagined a nation where books are banned because it had offended a "small-town" person's moral sensibilities. I've imagined a McCarthiest nation where rampant paranoia of all outsiders and non-conformists are encouraged. But then I realize I'm in that physiological space in those few minutes before you sleep where reason loses grip and the unconscious begins to take hold. This Pre-Sleep state leaves one highly suggestable, where logic becomes vulnerable.

The reasons my pre-sleep day-dream fantasies are soo enjoyable are the same reasons I readily catastrophize post Palin America scenarios. I have to remind myself that the checks and balances built into our government by our wise Founding Fathers would NEVER EVER EVER EVER allow anything close to my fantasies from ever happening. I can now say that reason and logic has won out. Last night I dreamt about a Lord of the Sith commandeering the Enterprise and how utterly cool that story might play out.

I'm back to being my completely nerdy geeky self. However, make no mistake, I still think Palin is an Evangelical nut-job with God mandated and inspired plans to mold and prepare our Nation for the "End of Days". But even if she is, it simply doesn't bother me as much, and even better....I'm no longer losing any sleep over it.


Blogger theprofessor said...

Glad to here it supergoober - its good to keep the political rants to the realm of the rational... there are plenty of rational reasons a moderate like you should dislike Palin (or like McCain for that matter), and, honestly, Palin might be a dealbreaker for you - where otherwise you may have considered voting McCain, now there is no chance. That is the risk any candidate takes when they pick a veep candidate to shore up their base - they may lose voters in the middle. Glad to hear that you have regained some perspective.

5:38 PM  
Blogger supergoober said...

So true. As you know, I've liked McCain for YEARS...not necessarily because of his platform, but more so because he could care less who he pissed off when it comes to policy making. He is, at best, slightly right of center and I really don't mind that. If he had chosen Lieberman, another man with the cajones to break from the pack and someone abit left of center, I really wouldn't have minded if that ticket had won. I still would have voted Obama but at the least we would have had an Executive Branch with politicians who would do what they believed was best for this country by representing its constituents (as they've done for years) vs. a lunatic whose politics are guided by "the God's Hand".

7:03 PM  

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