Monday, June 22, 2009

Sorry for the long hiatus.

Not been in the mood but I suppose I'll just go ahead and throw out a blog entry. Who reads these things anywayz?

1. Politics: I don't want to talk about it. The loudest voices are typically the most annoyingly partisan and extreme. If I listen too closely, I get upset and frustrated by the rhetoric. And there's one thing about Obama that has a bit disappointed me thus far.

We all know that the Shah of Iran pre the 1979 Islamic Revolution was a "puppet", if you will, of the West, and particularly the US. The Revolution, which replaced a Monarchy with a Fundamentalist Theocracy, was welcomed by Arab nations. And Muslims throughout the world praised the revolution as a conservative backlash against the Westernizing and secularizing efforts of the Western-backed Shah. Given this history, Obama (a determined conciliator) would be wise to depict his Administration as "Non-Meddlers" in Iranian politics, and in foreign politics in general. He prides himself on this position and his Presidential Election platform reflected this attitude that in-turn seemed to resonate strongly with American voters. So I UNDERSTAND why he would be very careful in his choice of words.

I also understand that most sane Earthlings view Ahmadinejad as a complete lunatic with an inferiority complex and I no-doubt believe our Administration feels the same. Mousavi is not much better, but these points are irrelevant.

In Obama's most recent speech at Cairo, he re-iterated his Administration's view on Muslim extremism by again reaching out to ally himself with the millions of Muslims who DO NOT support their extremist leaders...and in a way encouraged those dis-enchanted millions in Iran to speak their truth and demand new leadership.

So, the most relevant issue is that there are Iranian citizens protesting in the streets; they are demonstrating despite fear of slaughter, they are demonstrating for CHANGE, and they are demonstrating because the wish to deny their fundamentalist political leadership, and they are demonstrating even as they are dying.

Now I don't expect Obama to throw down some rhetoric that would incite the Iranian dissenters to riot relentlessly. But he should AT LEAST support a position that demands a "recount" of the votes, or some statement that addresses the claims and desperate concerns of millions of Iranians that this last "Election" was a complete farce. He hasn't once questioned the outcome of the election, and that is disappointing. These activist's and dissenter's are HIS (and in-a-way OUR) ALLIES in a movement that would have the Middles-East led by more moderate and less Jihadist Fundamentalists. We can't turn our backs on them.

2. Okay, enough about politics....and didn't I say I didn't want to talk about it? Anywayz, theDiscourser, his wife, my wife and I went out to explore the Mission's nightlife last Friday. We had a total blast. The food was really not that good but the people-watching, Sangria, and festively crowded streets were fun...and there are TONS and TONS of places to explore just in the Mission.

3. Hit THUNDERHILL yesterday with Rave-boy and his girlfriend. I suppose I can go through a session by session break-down of events, but I won't. I know that stuff is boring for everyone but myself, so I'll make the re-cap short. We had a BLAST. Great weather, great cars, no break-downs, no spins, no-crashes, and awesome driving. I'm working more and more on skill-building and the EVO takes everything I throw at it. In my particular run-group (run-groups are divided by skill-level and experience), I can pretty much keep up with the fastest drivers regardless of what they're driving. Make no mistake, I still get passed by a few, but once they pass me, they're not shaking me loose. I am right on their ass. And this is the KEY: I'm in complete control...I'm not driving over-my-head to keep up. I'm driving within my capabilities. I'm sure if thePerfectLine was driving, he'd just pass everyone with complete ease in my car, but I'm not close to that skill level yet...but I'm working on it!

That's it for now. Going out to eat some lunch. I saw two new eateries down the block: New York Pizza and Phat Burger. I think I'll check one out.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Local school district struggles with budget cuts:

The City my wife works within failed to pass a parcel tax that was designed to supplement the anemic school district budget. The Measure failed 63% to 37%...they needed 66% for it to pass. The 37% can party it up now.

The next day, my wife was handed a pink slip.

Understandably, we're upset. My wife really found a home at this school. The kids were great, the administrators at the school rocked, her co-workers were wonderful, and her commute was a cinch. She'll miss the school and her school is saddened to see her leave. Oh well...back to the drawing board.

Above and beyond how this budget crisis affects me and my wife personally, I was utterly shocked at how these cuts would affect the children. Her school district had already struggled with too few School Counselors at the Elementary School level. That situation has worsened to a point where you're laughing out loud from the abject lunacy and crying at the same time from sadness and hopelessness.

Why? Her School District has now cut the Counseling staff at the Elementary School level to a point where EACH of the TWO (as in "2", like one plus one equals TWO) counselors carry a caseload of 3000...NOT a TYPO. Yes THREE-THOUSAND EACH. Furthermore, these two poor souls will be spread across NINE schools...NOT a TYPO. Yes NINE. Are we living in a frickin THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!

The situation is absurd. Any decent and sane person would be outraged. But at WHO? Depending on your political leanings, you'll hear different blame-games. I don't GIVE A SHIT at this point. Our State's inability to get their spending act in shape is impacting the health and welfare of children (not to mention the disabled cohort I work with...but that's another story).

How can these TWO counselors address the psycho-social needs of SIX THOUSAND CHILDREN.
- How many need testing?
- How many need special-ed services?
- How many need one-on-one counseling?
- How many are dealing with abuse and violence at home?
- How many are dealing with drugs and gangs?
- How many are dealing with bullying?
- How many are dealing with suicide, self-mutilation, and depression?
- How many need group counseling?
- How many need family counseling?
- How many are struggling with grief, death and loss?
- How many have no parents?
- How many have ineffectual parents?
- How many are in poverty?
- How many need case-management?
- How many need confict mediation?
- How many just need someone to talk to?

I'm going to leave you with that. Feel free to let it soak it in. Party it up tax-payers! We really showed these kids whose Boss, huh! Pull yourselves up by the bootstraps kids cause you're on you're own!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Yes, I'm still alive.

Sorry for the long hiatus. I suppose I could have blogged, but not much in the mood as of late. I've had alot on my mind concerning county and state budget deficits. My CRAP union voted twice to accept concessions and I'll be taking a bit of a pay-cut. I know I should celebrate considering some of my colleagues have been laid-off while others reassigned. I know it has to do with the budget crisis and the global recession, but its unfortunate that our disabled citizens take the brunt with less services and with contracting resources.

I can hear the cry now; "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps you lazy bum!!". I suppose that mentally tortured Schizophrenic living in squalor and filth slowly dying in the gutter should take that advice, but at the moment he's preoccupied with struggling against killing himself and picking the bugs out of his open wounds.

Regarding bearing the brunt in efforts to balance state and local budgets, Mt. Diablo, Redwood City, and Pleasanton County residents have narrowly turned down parcel tax initiatives which would have bridged the deficit gap. All required a two-thirds majority and all were within 2-3 percentage points.

Mt. Diablo alone handed out 150 teachers pink slips yesterday...I suppose these teachers were getting rich with their outrageously high salaries. This should teach them a lesson, right? Class size in that district will go from sub-30 to 37. I mean let's take that line of thinking to its obvious logical conclusion: have ONE class of 1500 children, stuff them in a gymnasium and employ one teacher. That would save alot of money, right?

But the LAST thing we should do right now is TAX THE RICH any more than they are...I mean that would be Un-American, Un-Patriotic, and Un-Christian. Increasing taxes to raise revenue is utterly EVIL and SATANIC. It's downright Socialist, Communist, and completely Immoral. I must be some sort of Nazi to even suggest it!

But you CAN call this idea THAT I can handle. But all kidding aside; is there a way to raise revenue without shooting ourselves in our collective capitalist foot? I realize all of us are in bed with the Rich...we count on them for jobs. But is there such as thing as fair and just tax policies? I can hear theProf. now; "But WHO would decide what is fair and just?". True, which is why I get frustrated with this conundrum. There are no easy answers.

A recent New York Times article on Prop. 13 and California's "State of Paralysis".

Clearly we need some major reform as it relates to Education. The Discourser is much more adept at this topic than I, but he'll be the first to suggest that we do a complete Re-Boot of the entire system. Furthermore, where the hell is all the money going? Clearly teachers aren't getting rich, and Unions take in a percent or two. But what about the rest? If I find out that some un-godly percentage goes to centralized Sacramento administrators, I'll probably have to murder someone. Again, no easy answers.

Some articles on California Education Crisis:

I'd actually be quite a Republican with regard to economic tax policies but I can't seem to stomach Right-Wing political rhetoric. Too Draconian and inhumane for my tastes....and this is considering my previous comment about murdering someone. I'm sick of hearing "We need more money! That will solve all our problems!" from the Left, and "You have enough money. Don't ask for more!" from the Right. Can we F-ing come up with a better solution?!?!

I don't know how to solve this mess, but one thing I do know. No matter what, we can't piss off the Wealthy. Hurt them and they hurt us trickle-down-style. Over tax industry and they move out of the state or out of the country to get a better deal. They have us completely over the barrel and the Republicans are right about that. Ultimately, we have to kiss their asses.

I hate ending this blog entry this way but I feel pretty pessimistic apologies.