Regarding Obama's choice of running mate:Obama's choice of Biden as his running mate attempts to shore up areas of definciencies in his political resume, namely Beltway experience and foreign policy. Also, on the face of it, Biden appeals to the Democratic base. The choice explicitly attempts to counter the Republican campaign's attack on his lack of political credibility given his junior congressional status.
The negatives, unfortunately, outweigh the positive.
1. The Obama campaign has failed to address a schism in the Democratic party, namely the near 19 million primary votes for Hillary Clinton. Biden had a mere 9000 by comparison.
2. NOT choosing Hillary speaks to three errors in judgement. Firstly, it appears as if Obama has erroneously assessed the vehemence and conviction within Clinton supporters. Secondly, Obama has revealed a bit of naivety regarding the Democratic Party's capacity to unify despite the long and contentious primary battle. And thirdly, it is within those demographics that Hillary did well within that Obama has failed to respond to with his choice of Biden. Hillary grabbed the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, the rural vote, the Midwest and Red State votes, and the blue-collar vote. Bidens choice does little to appeal to these electoral demographics.
3. Implicit within Obama's choice is a near arrogance in his ability to sway voters within electoral demographics in which he has done poorly...even within his own party. If he couldn't sway the rural, Hispanic, female, blue-collar Democratic vote in the primaries, what makes him think he can pull these same votes AS WELL AS the Republican voters within these same electoral areas in a national election.
4. Also implicit in his choice is an alignment and a validation of the Kennedy legacy paired with a silent contempt for the Clinton's. I know "contempt" is a strong word but I can't think of a better word that fits the situation.
Then again, winning the Presidency at all costs is not in Obama's political playbook. Choosing Hillary would have been an easier path to the White House, but I truly believe he couldn't bring himself to choosing a running mate whose political vision is soo counter to his own. I like Obama and support him so I'm giving him alot of leeway on his choice of running mate.
Regarding McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate.On the face of it, the political motivation for this choice appears transparent.
1. Democratic primary exit polls suggest that the Gender issue is one not to be eschewed. The "Puma Vote" (
man, I hate using this term but pundits are actually throwing it around the various network political situation rooms!) is a demographic that cannot be denied in this election cycle. A full 20 percent of Hillary voters (
depending on the poll) voted for Hillary for ONE REASON; she is a THAT is a powerful political point to exploit.
2. Palin is a true-blue Christian Conservative. The conservative base within the Republican Party have been a bit disenchanted with McCain, but Palin's choice has quickly galvanized this voting group. Christian conservative talking heads have come out in droves in just the last three days to rally around Palin to defend against media attacks on her children, family, and values. Kudos to them...LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT OF IT!
3. Palin is decidedly NOT a Washington politician. Her LACK of experience can be easily spun to the McCain campaign's advantage. However, their campaign will also need to withdraw, or at least re-phrase their attacks on Obama's LACK of experience lest they appear hypocritical.
Now about McCain; Fred Thompson's speech last night cemented my feelings of heartfelt appreciation for John McCain. I have always respected the man. He is a Hero, a true Maverick, and a politician who has demonstrated time and time again that his beliefs have NEVER been guided by Party affiliation...and his slogan is absolutely spot on, "Country First". He is his own man, and a man that the Republicans can stand behind...and if Obama were to lose the election, a man that this Nation can feel comfortable with in protecting our Country. But I won't vote for him...not because I don't like him. I won't vote for him because I don't entirely agree with his political vision...and more so because I support Obama.
As for Palin, this woman scares the HELL out of me. I've read a few things about her that have been nothing less than frightening given personal sensibilities. I hope they're false but this is what I've read (see
- She is decidedly Pro-Life and against a Woman's Right to Choose and against stem cell research.
- She is against providing health and spousal benefits to gay couples.
- Not more than four years ago when she was Mayor of a tiny town of 8000, she attempted to ban books at the local library because she believed they were politically subversive and/or offensive.
- She supports an oil industry political lobbying group whose agenda is, simply, removing ALL (
as in A-L-L, and I'm not exaggerating) governmental regulations and restrictions on industrial growth and expansion in pristine environments.
- She urges and has supported legislation mandating public schools teach Creationism alongside Evolution in Science classes. This is a deal breaker for me, my friends. Also supported legislation that allows parents to have their children opt out of classes and books that they find "offensive". Also supported bills that would remove sex education from schools.
- Does not believe that Global Warming has been affected by human industry NOR does she believe that we can do anything to stem the tide, so why bother?
- Her environmental record has demonstrated consistent support for industry versus a lack of interest in environmental concerns. Ex. Salmon vs. Mining, Old-growth vs. timber industry, Polar Bear vs. oil industry.
- Health Care should be market driven and has a "Reap what you sow" attitude regarding health and health care.
- And, granted her Alaskan Governorship would not ask for her to have a public policy stance on the following issues, but I worry about and have a feeling re. how she might lean toward with respect to: immigrants, undocumented workers, general attitude toward Hispanic immigrants, the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties, foreign policy, national gun laws, national health care issues, national education issues.
Needless to say, from what I've read, Palin's values clearly do not resonate with my own. But I should add two more things before I end. I do not want to diminish her political success in any way. She is an ass-kicker and deserves all the credit due to her for her accomplishments. And the second thing,...damn, she is cute.
My GOODNESS,...I HAVE to get back to work!!