Saturday, May 09, 2009


Firstly, please see for his description of the events and his take on the movie. Well said indeed.

As for me and my review of the Movie; my personal psychology won't permit me to be entirely or completely invested in one particular side or position in most issues in life...and I'm referring to whether "STAR TREK" rocked or sucked. I'm too much able to appreciate other various points of view....and perhaps this "Ability" has more to do with it being a necessity in my career (an appreciation and empathy for client's personal realities however strange or psychotic or nonsensical or juvenile or perverted or psychopathic it might be).

So to channel the purists, I will acknowledge errors in continuity. Furthermore, there were errors in the internal continuity within the film, errors even within the "sci-fi" science realm, ie. I will accept that in the Star Trek Universe, there exists a mysterious liquid that can create quantum singularities. However, I can't accept that their black holes are different than um...okay...even as I'm writing, I'm realizing how utterly geeky I am.

In any case, I can go on a bit about the things I didn't like in the film, but please don't think that this suggests that I didn't like Star Trek. Nay, you would be incorrect. Lets just say, as theDiscourser so aptly decribes, my Face has been Ripped Off my skull. The only difference might be that theDiscoursers face was on the floor of the theatre; it's torn connective tissues mingling with fake butter dribbles and squished bubble-gum. My face, on the other-hand, is still hanging on by some muscle threads at the base of my chin. I'm frantically attempting to keep it from tearing off entirely.

So in a nutshell: Star Trek ROCKED. Completely and utterly exceeded all my expectations. I cheered and pumped my fists and simply didn't care about all the little errors and cinematic foibles. I was too deeply in goober-heaven to care.