Monday, December 28, 2009

I am soo over least for now.

I got nothing....nada. Which certainly does NOT mean that nothing has been going on in my life. I just have not had any desire to blog. In any case, just so I don't feel left behind (considering even NTT's Brain AND theProf busted out with several entries since my last one) I'm throwin out a crappy entry simply to keep up with the Jones'.

1. My blog is getting Spammed. I don't know why its getting Spammed now but I need to stop these bastards from Spamming any further. In all actuality, I have this nagging notion that there isn't a nerdy loser in some basement Spamming away, that in fact its some robotized server in some basement running automated Spam by the billions without regard, remorse, regret, or satisfaction.

2. I love Bouldering. Thanks to NTT's Brain to turning me onto rock climbing. I have all the gear and I'm considering purchasing new shoes with a more aggressive toe:

My current shoe, the Defy Evolv, is a great all-around shoe, but its entirely synthetic, totally uncomfortable, and stinks to high heaven.

3. My wife and I are running regularly now. We average a 10 minute mile and won't do more than a mile at a time but we're at least doing it somewhat regularly.

4. Work is work. We've done a ton of reassignments and we're due for some new cuts throughout the system in a month. More and more undocumented, out of county, out of state mentally ill folks are flowing through our County's acute/emergency public health system. I've sent more people on buses and planes BACK to where ever they've come from over the last six months than I have in the last six YEARS. Why do I send them back?...because our City is NOT RESPONSIBLE for EVERYONE'S HEALTH. I'm SICK of other cities sending their masses of mentally ill to my City because they won't care for them. I can really go on quite a rant right now but I won't. I'll leave it right there. Lets just say, you take care of your sick and we'll take care of our sick....agreed?

5. In the East Coast at this time. Very cold. Ran in 14 degree weather...and I LOVED it. It felt like I could have gone on and on and on. The only problem was the biting cold on my face. I could have used a balaclava. Washington is wonderful, old town Pennsylvania in Christmas is beautiful, family and friends are awesome. I always have a good two weeks here. Been on a tour, visited a couple of Museums, and checked out the Dept. of Treasury. My wife's uncle was recently appointed to a position in the Dept. of Treasury working under the Counsel General.

Anywayz, I'm off for dinner. I'll try to get another entry out soon.