Hmm, the weekend was jam-packed. Goober gaming on Friday...which went well BTW, a local art and wine festival Saturday, a buddies B-day party that night, built and put together a planter box and mostly yard work on Sunday, and the Raiders suck bad that complaints here.
On a total tangent and without a proper segue way : Woke up this morning to hear that they've found yet another 25 mostly tortured and decaptitated bodies in and around Bahgdad. Last Thursday morning they found 65, Friday another 35, this weekend there were 2 suicide bombers, one targeting worshippers, and the other a car bomb exploding in a marketplace. The left characterize these actions as Hateful, and the right, Evil. To me, the political discourse on this matter, as an means to provide a way to conceptualize these events, is completely useless...and generally depressing to me. Plainly, the reality of this kind of violence transcends our common western comes from a place of generational indoctrination and theologic canabalism....where the murder of innocents are openly celebrated, where mutilation and torture is explicitly promoted, where mass-murder and suicide is spiritually rewarded.
We can go on and on about the need for religious/political reformation and the establishment of secular institutions, at least within the most radical elements, as a means to wrench political and legal power from the hands of their religious leaders. The clinical reality of the nature of the psychology of killing and murder in the middle east, however, shows a wholly different picture.
Killing and murder, for the most part, is a statistical aberation. For example, at least in this country, rates of suicide far outpace the murder rate. Furthermore, murder of innocents is almost universally recognized as, according to jurisprudence, a Natural Law. Evolutionary psychologists/physiologists describe entire constellations of intrapsychic mechanisms which work to suppress homocidality within the individual and across communities. The literature on this matter suggest a number of factors which contribute to an individual's increased capacity to act on homocidal impulses/desires/cognitions, which are as varied as the following:
1. Damage or defect to the frontal cortex and/or prefrontal lobes due to brain injury, genetic defect, or prolonged exposure to toxic substance.
2. Acute substance-induced episodes impacting normal frontal lobe functioning, disinhibiting typically inhibited behaviors.
3. Particular style of parenting and/or type of relationship with a primary caregiver which is marked with traumas that have been improperly integrated into the individual's psyche: ie identification with the aggressor, perverted moral development, underdeveloped and/or suppressed superego functioning.
4. Psychopathy related to Axis II personality disorders, typically seen as disorders of attachment, and characterized by grandiosity and narcissism.
5. Coersion
6. Self defense
However, when entire communities and/or institutions condone, promote, and celebrate the killing of innocents, now we're dealing with dynamic layers of social mechanisms working together to subvert our fundamental human nature. Oops!! I've completely run out of time. I need to interview several psychotic patients and will have to pick this diatribe up tommorrow.