Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Alleged" assailant is arrested on "Suspicion"....WTF!

Our legal language is at times perplexing to me, an American raised in the U.S....so it must be absolutely baffling to any foreigner reading our local small town newspaper the last couple of days. Here's the story in a nutshell:

A 19 year old man is seen having coffee with a 70 year old man at one of our local Cafe's. Twenty people are witness to this. He is seen leaving the establishment with the elderly gentleman. The older man's landlord hears unusual sounds coming from his room and calls 911. Law enforcement arrives to find the elderly man unconscious, in a pool of blood, and nearly dead. He was in critical condition at our local ICU and subsequently died from his injuries last evening. The younger man is found sleeping in the older mans bed, the bludgeon (a chair leg) sitting on the floor next to the bed, and the young man is found covered in the older man's blood. He is arrested under "suspicion" and is described as the "alleged" perpetrator.

Firstly, SUSPICION?!? Our system "suspects" him to be the assailant? Are you kidding me? Have we all become Morons or so completely paranoid and irrational as to think that this idiot had somehow been set up?...that we must dismiss what we see and hear lest we de-evolve into a vigilante society of chaos and anarchy? So we're giving this fool the benefit of the doubt, the problem is only a fool would doubt it!

And secondly, ALLEGED?!? We're certainly not judge and jury here but for crying out loud, we're not idiots! Real world crime is not an episode of "Law and Order" or "Perry Mason". Who are we placating by using this term? I know, I know, we must be consistent no matter the situation but for pete's sake!

The more I think about it, and once I come down from my anger induced adrenaline rush, I realize that, yes, folks are innocent until proven guilty, and yes, we need objectivity in all cases but it always enrages me how our media and legal system is compelled to follow through on what amounts to as a legal exercise when for all intents and purposes, this asshole is guilty.

End rant.


Blogger Steve T. said...

Totally hear you on that one P. Unfortunately there are lawyers out there who would get this case thrown out of court (and idiotic Judges who would throw it out of court) because this guilty bastard "couldn't get a fair trial because the media has already branded him Guilty." I like the world of Judge Dredd personally....would save us a lot of money....

6:37 AM  

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