My Final Sarah Palin jab...
...and it came out of Fox News. Carl Cameron, FOX News reporter covering the McCain Campaign, reported some shocking revelations regarding McCain Campaign insiders and their views on Palin. Apparently they've (McCain advisers and FOX) waited till after the election and are now airing the dirty laundry, as it were. Cameron reports how utterly stunned campaign advisers were of Palin's outright idiocy...and how sequestering her from the media was the only sane choice for their Campaign...such was the depth of her ignorance of basic civics, basic geography, basic foreign policy, and basic knowledge of world events.
My goodness, she believes that Africa is a country and not a continent, and could not name all the countries in North America! It goes on and on but here is the story from Fox, courtesy of YouTube:
Just incredible. Its obvious that Republicans are looking for a fall-guy/gal and the McCain campaign advisers have served Palin up on a silver platter. This will backfire. Too too many within the Republican Base love this women and the finger-pointing will only serve to further fracture a Party in the throws of an identity-crisis. There are Conservative talking heads (Rush, Coulter, Hannity, etal.) who believe that the future path of the Party is to become even "More Conservative", or at least stay the course and remind Americans of core Republican principles. However, there are are growing number of new Republicans that see the writing on the wall, recognize that the Party must re-make itself in order to appeal to the contemporary electorate...a Re-Branding, if you will.
Either way, the Republicans have been decimated during this Election Cycle.
Executive Branch: Democrat
House: 254 Dem / 173 Rep
Senate: 57 Dem / 40 Rep with Minnesota Senate seat toss-up and recount.
Governors: 29 Dem / 21 Rep
And currently, the Republican Party is searching for a Leader...but who will it be? The leading ranking Republican in Washington is a guy named Mitch McConnell...who is he?! Boy, the Grand Ole Party is in deep trouble.
It was fascinating to hear Lou Dobbs (a fiscal conservative and certainly not an Obama supporter) talk candidly and with contempt about what he was hearing from within the McCain Campaign...and he went on to say "If how the McCain campaign has and is operating is any indication of how they would have ran the country, My Goodness, Thank God they didn't win."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
My goodness, she believes that Africa is a country and not a continent, and could not name all the countries in North America! It goes on and on but here is the story from Fox, courtesy of YouTube:
Just incredible. Its obvious that Republicans are looking for a fall-guy/gal and the McCain campaign advisers have served Palin up on a silver platter. This will backfire. Too too many within the Republican Base love this women and the finger-pointing will only serve to further fracture a Party in the throws of an identity-crisis. There are Conservative talking heads (Rush, Coulter, Hannity, etal.) who believe that the future path of the Party is to become even "More Conservative", or at least stay the course and remind Americans of core Republican principles. However, there are are growing number of new Republicans that see the writing on the wall, recognize that the Party must re-make itself in order to appeal to the contemporary electorate...a Re-Branding, if you will.
Either way, the Republicans have been decimated during this Election Cycle.
Executive Branch: Democrat
House: 254 Dem / 173 Rep
Senate: 57 Dem / 40 Rep with Minnesota Senate seat toss-up and recount.
Governors: 29 Dem / 21 Rep
And currently, the Republican Party is searching for a Leader...but who will it be? The leading ranking Republican in Washington is a guy named Mitch McConnell...who is he?! Boy, the Grand Ole Party is in deep trouble.
It was fascinating to hear Lou Dobbs (a fiscal conservative and certainly not an Obama supporter) talk candidly and with contempt about what he was hearing from within the McCain Campaign...and he went on to say "If how the McCain campaign has and is operating is any indication of how they would have ran the country, My Goodness, Thank God they didn't win."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
no comments on prop 8 does this mean you switched sides behind the curtain?
I luv prop 8 YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!
I voted NO on Prop 8. I love the way the Craftsman's wife put it and I can't say it better than she did:
"And I voted to preserve traditional marriage...I voted NO on 8. Traditional marriage is two people who want to spend every day of the rest of their lives together...who can't picture themselves growing old without *that* person by their side. They're signing up to be that person's everything; to make them soup when they're sick, to be able to order off a restaurant menu without having to ask what the other person wants. They're offering to share their home, their heart and their bathroom. They're willing to take the good with the bad, the highs with the lows, and every day in between. Traditional marriage is two people who don't feel complete unless they're together. It doesn't matter if it's two men or two women. Traditional marriage isn't just a man and a woman. It's two people."
Nicely said, huh?
I am proud to be that person in her life
She did put it a good way didn't she......Mitch McConnell is a Senator from Kentucky (parts of lower Kentucky have our local Nashville Stations as their broadcast channels so we get to see some of their political commercials as well as ours...)who apparently isn't a half bad legislator.
Dude, she didn't write that about you... You missed the first part that said "I am looking to find....."
I am kidding, who wouldn't want to be married to you, I mean you have the amazing ability to wake yourself up with your own flatulence, that in and of itself is marrying material right there!
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