Just one more thing...
"The Right’s Class War: The prospect of a McCain loss has the Republican Party angrily turning on itself. Can the eggheads and the Joe Six-Packs get along?"
From the New York Magazine, by John Heilemann. It describes, and in much better terms than I ever could, the current state of the Republican Party and where it might be heading or need to head. A great read....especially for theProf.
Here is the complete article:
Trust me....its a very good read.
From the New York Magazine, by John Heilemann. It describes, and in much better terms than I ever could, the current state of the Republican Party and where it might be heading or need to head. A great read....especially for theProf.
Here is the complete article:
Trust me....its a very good read.
Good article SG.....it shows that if you Chris Buckley is right....the Repubs need to re-think who they are. They used to be the party of economic conservatism and small Government but they became the party of Big Government, Big Business, No Ethics and Jesus......
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