Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Presidential Election Post-Mortem:

WOO-HOO!! I can't even express how thrilled, proud, and relieved I am with Obama's win. I was a part of history with my vote and rushed home to watch the action unfold across a dozen stations on my TV. His stirring speech was his best to date and the throngs of jubilant supporters not only across the Country, but across the Globe put into perspective the importance and significance of the Obama selection. I cannot be more proud of My Country today.

Some thoughts, and I'm sure I'll have more as the days progress:

1. The World responds:

2. Polling methodology has come so far that despite claims of the Bradley Effect, and cell-phone users, and Likely vs. Traditional voters, and small sample sizes, etc, CBS/Time/Gallup/Rasmussen dead hit the percentages not only Nationally, but within the States as well.

3. And regarding polling, the massive exit polling on a number of different issues shed light on what I had suspected. Self-described Liberals have run somewhere within 22 to 27 percent of the electorate. That number has been quite stable for some 6 Presidential Election cycles. Self-described Conservatives percentages have dropped, however. The conservative demographic has held strong at high 30's since the Reagan years and has far outnumbered liberals for quite some time. Over the last 8 years, that number has slid incrementally to the low 30's, which is significant considering each percentage point amounts to about 1.5 million voters.

So the question is, where are they going? Some pundits say they are actually and literally "dying out". But to more accurately answer the question, they've moved toward the Center. The self-described Independent and Centrist figure has jumped to above 40 percent for the first time in history. However, despite this movement toward the center, I still believe that the majority of the Country is Center-Right.

Conservative ideology has certainly not lost its relevance. Case in point: Obama's platform included traditional Conservative talking points...he would not have won without it.

4. And speaking of relevance, a startling statistic emerged last night. White Men have been the most powerful and telling electorate throughout our History. How White Men vote had assuredly determined the Presidency....until NOW. McCain had a strong majority of the White Male Vote and LOST. The pundits across the stations (including FOX) made mention of this phenomenon's historic importance.

5. I am convinced that Obama's true running mate this year was certainly NOT was the economic collapse. The collapse won it for him. Its just amazing that the Primaries were dominated by rhetoric regarding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Immigrants!

6. And lastly......NO MORE SARAH PALIN. Thank you lord.


Blogger Steve T. said...

Amen Brother Goober and preach on!!! It will be good to see the back of Caribou Barbie's head as she slinks off to Alaska.....

Have I told you that the bitter tears of sad Tennesseans tastes like sweet sweet wine???

7:17 AM  

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