Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Still sick at home.

It was hot in Alameda last night, but despite the heat, I shivered under the covers. Before I put out the light, I took my temp....101.1. I hate fevers and the way it makes me feel like I have gauze wrapped around my head. I'm dizzy....but I've been eating everything in sight. Yesterday, I had 3 bowls of cereal, a large can of Chili, a large bowl of Japanese noodles with egg, half a Pizza, a good sized sandwich, half a box of chocolate chip cookies, and several glasses of juice and milk...and I still feel completely empty. If I wasn't so sick and sapped of my energy, I'd be making a huge meal for myself...think 8 cups of rice and 2 cans of Spam...mmmmmm.

Before settling down last night, I blasted my nose with nasal-spray, took 4 Ibuprofen, swigged a Nightime Anti-cough concoction, and blew my nose until I saw blood...okay, not that hard, but I got every bit out. I also changed my out-going messages at work and it apparently did the called me on my cell all day.

This morning, I woke at 10:30, took my temp, 100.1, headed downstairs dizzy and ate more food. I smell given I've been sweating for 36 hours straight, haven't changed out of my heavy clothing, and haven't showered. I should bath before my wife gets home BTW.

Watched "The Day the Earth Stood Still" from start to finish on A&E...great movie. But I have to say, there are some completely silly parts to that film where my mind had to try very hard to look past in order to make the movie work...which it does. Firstly, during the evenings, they have TWO and ONLY TWO armed guards protecting the landing site, but during the day, they show Tanks and Howitzers at the ready with teams of soldiers milling about. I guess they believe that Alien invaders need sleep too. Also, how the HELL does GORT manage to walk across town UNSEEN to pick up "Carpenter/Klatu's" body from the Police Station...HOW, I ASK YOU?! Otherwise, this movie is awesome. I'm looking forward to the remake this year.

Also been keeping a close watch on the Theater that is the Presidential Election. Sometime around 1:30 PST, McCain made an announcement that he is calling off Friday's debate with Obama given the economic crisis the nation is experiencing. He wants to cancel the debate because "There is work to be done by both sides of the aisle" and that the both of them should "STOP THEIR CAMPAIGN", head back to Washington and work with Congress to get Bush's plan passed ASAP. Great politics....initially....a cynical move ultimately. Obama came right back and gave some contrast basically saying "we can walk and chew gum at the same time, can't we?" and that this is the time when Americans NEED to see the differences between the candidates and their future he called off McCain's "Call-off". The press is loving every minute of this show, and I'm cynical enough about the Media to believe that it is in their best interest to keep this race tight till the end.

I'm hungry again and will eat more food now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of the original GORTs is in the fry's burbank store


10:29 AM  

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