Monday, February 11, 2008

Karl Rove is a desperate man.

Mr. Rove, former senior political/campaign advisor to the current Bush Administration, was interviewed by CBS News on Saturday and was asked about the overwhelming turnout of voters in the Democratic primaries, relative to the Republican primaries, and whether he believed it might be a trend that would eventually prove insurmountable by the time the national election rolls around.

His answer was calculated and at it's core a feeble attempt at spin. Mr. Rove negates the inordinately large turnout on the democratic side, which according to estimates looks to be nearly 60% higher than the Republican primary voter turnout, as being a phenomenon typical in election years following lame-duck presidents. Furthermore, he stands his ground in his belief that the most conservative elements of the Republican party has yet to make it's statment and stand. Nice try Mr. Rove. It would be easy to say that this guy is delusional...but it is far worse than that. I believe that Karl is in fact a "true-believer", a conservative who actually believes in his heart that the "majority" in our country ARE conservative and that their time will come.

I, however, see it as the writing on the wall. When all is said and done, Mr. Rove will receive a lesson in humility...that the largest demographic in this country by far is not either Democrat or Repuplican, or conservative or even liberal. They are folks that fail to vote, who for 40 years have had NO VOICE...and that these people are not either gun-totting fundamentalist's or Birkinstock wearing flower-children. They are the people who want a new brand of politic, and it is THIS demographic that will determine the presidency.

Mind you, the turnout represent a huge number of folks who are self-described Non-Partisans and Independents...folks who've had limited involvement and history in voting. The turn-out, however, is not a referendum on the Bush Admin, or even the Republican party. It is a referendum on the current status quo,...on politics in general.

Mr. Rove diminishes the importance of this movement as being "typical"...TYPICAL? A woman and a black man vying for the nomination is "tyical"?! They say you're smart Karl, and your ability to spin knows no bounds but in this case your more wrong than you have ever been and I'm going to love hearing how you spin your way out of this one.


Blogger Steve T. said...

The Force is no longer strong with Emporer Karl Rove Palpatine...his machine ran out of steam when gas climbed to 3 bucks a gallon and has yet to budge....even the staunchest supporters of his Puppet W want people stay that way because the majority of them are tight fisted, cheap bastards....make it so they have to expend masses of cash...they'll turn on you....promise the Fundies that you will make America more "morally righteous" and then do nothing to help that along while the majority of citizens claim Foul....backlash......

Good news, Obama's been talking with Edwards....alot.....that's a ticket I could get behind...


7:44 AM  
Blogger Alex Osias said...

Wow, when you said you were interested in politics, I had no idea you were this serious!

I guess it's part of guys growing old - we slowly come to understand how politics affects all our lives... and the idiots who are in the driver's seats.

9:44 PM  

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