Wednesday, January 16, 2008

American Idol, my thoughts...

Yes, I actually watch this show. I apologize. It's a juggernaut in terms of ratings. They had more viewers than the Olympics a couple of years back! A sad statement can be made on both sides of that argument. But anywayz, my thoughts.

The first few episodes of this show involve the auditions. The producers typically highlight the horrendous singers more so than the great ones. In a nutshell, these first few episodes are a Study in Mental Illness. Most have very little grasp on reality, bordering if not completely psychotic in their presentation.

The gist is that a mentally healthy person would have a capable observing ego; a dynamic involving honestly judging one's abilities as well as dealing with the emotional ramifications of such judgements. For example: "It's very difficult for me to dribble the ball and shoot it into the basket....therefore, I'm not very good at playing basketball, and that's okay". It's much worse with these poor souls. Not only are they incapable of recognizing how horribly they sing, but (and here's the psychotic piece) they actually BELIEVE they're GOOD!

And when the judges laugh and humiliate these folks, they invariably respond in a highly emotionally regressed manner...they appear psychologically fractured. They strongly believe in and receive esteem and at times a narcissistic grandiosity from the this belief they sing well. When that notion is shattered, they fall to pieces, become tearful, or exhibit rage akin to a childish tantrum. And I actually giggle at the spectacle.


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