I am 40 frickin years old...
Superbowl Sunday marked my Birthday. I am 40...my God, I'm an old man. I'm middle-aged for Christ's sake! YARGH! But I look in the mirror and I kinda-sorta look like I did when I was somewhere in my late 20's...I even fit into the same clothes, work out with the same vigor, lift the same amount of weight, and can even RUN now! An activity that was sure to make me puke in my twenties. I can still pretty much eat whatever I want. My tri-glycerides are minuscule, my blood-pressure is still bafflingly low. I still have my hair, though its receded just a bit, but certainly not even close to balding (knocking on my particle board desk as I write)...and I only have a few little white hairs sprouting from my side-burns. And on rare occasions, I even garner a few looks from younger women. I CAN'T BE FORTY!!
Then again, I need more sleep than I used to...I'm simply wiped out if I don't have a good 7 hours. I actually get bags under my eyes the morning after poor sleep. Furthermore, my memory, which has always been horrid, has failed me more often than I'd like. Also, younger people's clothes look more and more ridiculous to me. And I can't drink at all...I get hammered after ONE drink. And to get into summer beach shape, I need a hellavalot more than 2 weeks of heavy working out. And when I get a cold, it lasts a good TWICE as long as it did in my early 20's. And more and more, I'm looking either over or under my glasses to read something. Come to think of it, after being stooped over for any length of time, my back needs more time to uncoil. I guess I am getting older.
I suppose I'll hit that proverbial wall in my mid-40's...or later, I hope. In any case, I'm going to try my darnedest to stave off physical middle age.
But regarding my Birthday, the Discourser, his wife, and MY wife threw me a surprise Birthday Party and I was completely caught unawares! No clue at all...or rather, every clue pointed in the opposite direction. I spent the evening before with theCraftsman and he didn't drop one hint. Rave-Boy even called me and pretended to ask me to game with the guys on Saturday night, going so far as to post a bogus group email to solidify the ruse. I was completely blown away!
When I walked into Havana Restaurant, the host even said "...oh yes, Supergoober, party of four, this way...". I was soo convinced that I wouldn't have a party that when I rounded the corner and saw Moose's towering head, I thought to myself "WOW, what an incredible coincidence! The Moose is here!". But then I saw the Professor and Rave-boy and then I realized what was up.
Thanks to my wife for all her work and her frightening ability to keep a secret. The Food was great...I had Paella and a what seemed like several plate fulls of appetizers. I had trouble breathing given my distended abdomen. I had a fabulous time. I feel a little bad about the cost of dinner so I've decided to make a little of it up next time we game where I'll be ordering take-out for the crew.
And just a few shots of Dinner.
The Menu:

And despite telling myself I wouldn't show faces of friends on my Blog, I've broken that rule with the next two. My apologies. The Craftsman's wife and the Acupuncturist were there. At least you two are photogenic so consider yourself lucky! That's a Mojito in Mr. Acupuncturist's hand.

Gaming at the Hob Nob:
Then again, I need more sleep than I used to...I'm simply wiped out if I don't have a good 7 hours. I actually get bags under my eyes the morning after poor sleep. Furthermore, my memory, which has always been horrid, has failed me more often than I'd like. Also, younger people's clothes look more and more ridiculous to me. And I can't drink at all...I get hammered after ONE drink. And to get into summer beach shape, I need a hellavalot more than 2 weeks of heavy working out. And when I get a cold, it lasts a good TWICE as long as it did in my early 20's. And more and more, I'm looking either over or under my glasses to read something. Come to think of it, after being stooped over for any length of time, my back needs more time to uncoil. I guess I am getting older.
I suppose I'll hit that proverbial wall in my mid-40's...or later, I hope. In any case, I'm going to try my darnedest to stave off physical middle age.
But regarding my Birthday, the Discourser, his wife, and MY wife threw me a surprise Birthday Party and I was completely caught unawares! No clue at all...or rather, every clue pointed in the opposite direction. I spent the evening before with theCraftsman and he didn't drop one hint. Rave-Boy even called me and pretended to ask me to game with the guys on Saturday night, going so far as to post a bogus group email to solidify the ruse. I was completely blown away!
When I walked into Havana Restaurant, the host even said "...oh yes, Supergoober, party of four, this way...". I was soo convinced that I wouldn't have a party that when I rounded the corner and saw Moose's towering head, I thought to myself "WOW, what an incredible coincidence! The Moose is here!". But then I saw the Professor and Rave-boy and then I realized what was up.
Thanks to my wife for all her work and her frightening ability to keep a secret. The Food was great...I had Paella and a what seemed like several plate fulls of appetizers. I had trouble breathing given my distended abdomen. I had a fabulous time. I feel a little bad about the cost of dinner so I've decided to make a little of it up next time we game where I'll be ordering take-out for the crew.
And just a few shots of Dinner.
The Menu:
And despite telling myself I wouldn't show faces of friends on my Blog, I've broken that rule with the next two. My apologies. The Craftsman's wife and the Acupuncturist were there. At least you two are photogenic so consider yourself lucky! That's a Mojito in Mr. Acupuncturist's hand.
Gaming at the Hob Nob:
Hee hee....I even knew about it SG.....sorry I couldn't attend, and to your lack of outward physical aging I will say "We hate you...." ;). Happy 40 Bro. Here's to many more!
Brains. .Mrrr.r .. brains! ugh..cough .. . mrrr brains
Rrrr. . .scratch .scratch.. .brains!
Hey, in the last photo, all you can see of me is the bright glint of the camera flash off of my far to exposed scalp - at least I think that it is me.
BTW, supergoober, I am back on my blog - I wonder if you read any of the entries (besides the wage cap one)
And as for leaded coffee, only the Return of the Living Dead zombies crave brains - which means that they would be more than a match for the Night of the Living Dead zombies - they would just eat the other zombies' brains.
Oh, yeah, and happy birthday again - don't worry, you're not middle aged, and you look better than you did in your twenties, and anyway, 40 is the new twenty (or some such crap like that)
But in all seriousness, the party was a lot of fun, and not too anxiety inducing for me, though why that should be aconcern is beyond me...I guess i am a narcissist at heart. Thank your wife again for the wonderful party, and many happy returns - lets try and game together another couple of decades then mark another milestone.
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