Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am an Anti-American Socialist....

...at least according to some Republicans.

I donated $28 to the Obama campaign, and this is the first time I've ever donated to a political campaign. All my co-workers have done the same, and for most, it was also they're first time. Even my family members and In-laws have donated to the Obama campaign. Apparently according to FOX News and the McCain campaign, we're part of a conspiratory scandal on-par with Watergate.

And because I'm voting for Obama, according to Palin, Bachman, Patrick, Wendell, as well as the usual conservative talk show cohort, I also hate America...and more so, am a Socialist. And just today I heard from Congressman Hayes that I also hate God and am a Communist. Palin said yesterday that she only wants to visit parts of the Country that are "Pro-America". When Congressman Bachman from Minnesota, a McCain surrogate, was asked what Palin had meant on Hardball, she called for a "penetrating investigation of all anti-American liberals in Congress" (youtube it). Democrats and Obama voters have now been transformed into America Hating Communist Atheists...and this is NOT divisive?

Yesterday, Hannity, Savage, and Limbaugh called General Powell a RACIST for endorsing Obama. The funny thing is, if Powell had run for President as a Republican this election cycle, I would have voted for him, as would many conservatives and Republicans. And to top everything off, the McCain campaign is suggesting that Obama is a member of a Muslim terrorist sleeper cell....and if that is not Fear-Mongering Demagoguery of the highest order, I don't know what is.

General Powell was spot on...he completely articulated EXACTLY how I think and feel, and you have to read the transcript. And I will now admit something that I haven't admitted before....drum roll....I voted for Bush in 2000. (GASP!) I truly fell for the "compassionate conservative" line, and I've been so disappointed with that vote. I soo want the Republicans to move toward the center, I soo want the reactionary extreme conservative demographic to take a back seat to modern centrist conservatives, I soo wanted McCain to have chosen Leiberman or Powell or even Dr. Rice...because if they did any of this, I would have voted for a Republican as President.

Here is my primary observation of the Republican Moral Imperative.

Regarding my work and politics, all of you know I'm in the business of authorizing services, treatment, and housing to the indigent homeless with the following issues: dually diagnosed (patients with psychiatric issues and addiction issues), hospice care (patients with psychiatric issues who are dying), skilled nursing needs (patients who are functionally disabled), developmental disability (patients with cognitive impairment), psychiatric disability (severe psychiatric diagnoses), Veterans with psychiatric disorders, battered women and their young children, and several other demographics I can't recall at this time. And TWO things are undeniable; we have a moral imperative to care for the disabled AND we are in dire need of more funding.

Funding streams for these services are varied: AB 3632, Medical, Medicare, Veterans Benefits, Prop. 36, Prop. 63, Short-Doyle, County General Funds, and of course the Feds. Ask me how well funded the lobbying effort (both State and National) is for the ethical treatment and housing for the mentally ill, or battered women, or geriatric suicide prevention, or housing for the disabled, or expanded skilled nursing programs, or an increase in funding to programs for the developmentally disabled? And ask me how every budget cycle represents a battle just to keep our heads above water. About how the Republicans in the State Senate return the State budget back to the Dems with demands to cut funding to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE FUNDS. And how is this American? How is this noble? How is this moral? How is this even sane?

But then I get it. Republicans adopt a different moral theory; where battle against excessive taxing and big government trumps all other moral imperatives. They cynically diminish my efforts as "wasteful welfare hand-outs". HOWEVER, I will not and cannot imagine anyone, even the most far Right Conservative Republican, who would walk in my shoes for one week and judge the work that I do as "socialist".

But my question then is, what are the Republicans plans to deal with the population I work with? What is it? I had a debate with a colleague at work who believed that that Republicans forward a social Darwinist social policy...where its not about confining and killing them, its about standing back and letting them die...you can see why I had to debate this freak. But my question stands.

In education, the response from the Right has been to mitigate concerns and justify voting against any expansion (and in some State's cases, a contraction) of Education funding with a very simple as well as very true argument: Leaders of Industry (and even Presidents) can rise from broken homes and urban blight and underfunded schools provided they work hard. This is completely true...but the problem is that for every child who succeeds, 10 are murdered, 100's are incarcerated, 1000's turn to gangs and drugs, and 10's of thousands drop out.

I suppose this argument can be used in my line of work, where we point the finger at the parent or the family of the disabled patient. Why? Because there are plenty of successful, self-sufficient, and happy disabled people. But again the response is, for every one example, I can show you 10,000 in my city alone who struggle to stay alive daily, and many DIE daily.

I'm completely rambling now and the more I write, the more confused I am at the point I'm attempting, or had attempted, to make...in which case, this is my cue to end rant.

But one more thing. I suppose I'm preaching to the choir for the most part, save theProf. and a possible anonymous blog wanderer. I can almost always count on theProf to give me pause and perspective. But with regards to the work that I do, I'm not hopeful he can succeed. I represent the Big Government Handout and I'm not really sure whether Republicans can see it any other way.


Blogger Steve T. said...

Bravo SG....if these Repubs were so afraid of Socialism, then why did they vote along with the Socialist Dems for the Government to be part owners in Banks....nationally owned banks is Socialism....so the bailout that John "where did I park my Buick" McCain voted for is the Socialism he accuses Barack of.

11:29 AM  

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