Friday, July 18, 2008

Interviewed by Channel 2 news...

I was walking across the busy street I work at and spotted Bob McKenzie, of KNTV Channel 2 News, accompanied by a cameraman. In my curiosity, I walked up, said "Hello" and asked what story they were covering. The cameraman spun around while Bob moved the microphone towards me asking me in a completely intimidating and friendly tone, "The City has been voted as the number One walking city in the country. Why do you think that?"....silence. In that moment, I seemed hyper-aware of my surroundings and the camera lens appeared to expand in size...and eventually I spoke...right out my ass.

He said that the story would run on tonight's news. Apparently, he had traveled to several parts of the city interviewing dozens of people so I thought my chances of making it on-air were slim to none.

I had told my wife of the run-in and we sat watching the news at five to see if I had made the cut. After about 20 minutes of real news, lo-and-behold, there I was...a big round Asian head moving its lips, speaking like some sort of expert and sounding very gooby indeed. I have it recorded and I've watched it several times hoping my embarrassment would diminish after each didn't. I looked goobier and goobier each time I watched. I believe you can view it on the KTVU website looking under 7/17 news stories.

This marks the 4th time I've been on TV. Here are the others:

1. 11 years ago, I was asked to stand-in for my esteemed former supervisor, a renowned expert on suicide, on a panel discussion on suicide and the elderly which aired on our local PBS station. I have a copy of that 30 minute round-table. Every time I look at it, I simply can't believe the size of my Pompadour...its leading edge must have stuck straight up a good 4 inches. I came uber prepared and sounded very much a professional with some good knowledge, but one look at that hair and I can't imagine anyone taking me seriously. I can't bear to look at that tape now and suffer chills and fits of embarrassment with just the thought of having to view it again.

2. 13 years ago, during suicide awareness week and following a rash of sensational suicides in our city, a Channel 7 news crew came by the crisis line I had worked for to interview a volunteer and supervisor...I was the supervisor. I hadn't shaved, dressed in a tee-shirt, and generally looked nowhere near the "expert" they had wanted, but they went through it anywayz believing my delivery and content were spot on. I look back on that clip, and again, I can't see past the damn was huge, but thank goodness NOT as huge as the former example. It was also when I weighed 190 lbs with very little body fat, benched 315 without a problem, took supplements and weight lifted 5 times a week...needless to say, I looked like a crazy Pompadour haired overly muscled big-headed unshaven Filipino freak who spoke softly and compassionately about our need to understand and be aware of elderly suicide. It was ridiculous.

3. 8 months ago, while standing in the bitter cold in front of the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York, an AP news crew interviewed me about my feelings re. David Letterman's first show back after the long writer's strike. They also wanted my take on how he had hired the writers to work despite the rest of the writers within the union continuing to strike. Thank goodness, I didn't look like a complete freak in this one. My face was a bit red from the freezing cold but that's about it.

And so, that's my 15 minutes of fame in a nutshell...most of it an embarrassing mess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


The duff

2:15 PM  
Blogger Stephen said...

Ok, now everyone in the group needs to see these snipped off fame ;) Date and time! Next week is perfect!

7:06 PM  
Blogger theprofessor said...

Clearly, you are not enough of a goober as you have not yet uploaded the video onto the blog so that we could all peruse it at our leisure and make our own judgement. Until you do that, you are not as much of a goob as you would like to think ;)

By the way, that's supposed to be encouraging.




8:27 PM  
Blogger Steve T. said...

It took some searching but I found it.....nice interview Perb....

7:02 AM  
Blogger supergoober said...

Damn Steve, I was hoping you wouldn't find it!...hehe... I don't like looking at myself in pictures let alone a TV screen.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you masked your goob-ness well. I was hoping you would say something like "this schitty ish schweet you can walk anywhere without having to burn END. I only have a Cconschtituschion of scheven sho schan Franschischo is an ideal domischile for yoursch truly." But alas you looked nearly normal. :)


4:07 PM  

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