BBQ, Gaming, and Van Damme State Park...
Firstly, its good to see theProf. busting out with his own blog. He's quite a good writer and I enjoy his particular brand of humor and political rhetoric.
Had the BBQ Saturday. Great weather and good gaming. TheProf, Warden, Discourser, Acupunturist, NTT's Brain, GM, and even the Craftsman, wife, and baby managed to show. I ate a whole lot of fact, I pretty much ate or drank continuously for 12 hours straight. Even the down times were filled with noshing on brownie bites or nuts or grapes. My final meal was microwaved SPAM and Daly City ghetto is that. I'm getting my SPAM fix out of my system before my wife returns from Oaxaca. (Tonight I'm having fish-sticks and Vienna sausages...MMMMM)
Played character is falling into madness. His body and soul have been stained by the Shadowlands Taint. He knows he's infected but has no clue as to its severity. He's unconsciously tapping into the Dark potential not knowing the repercussions of its growing power. I fear that there is no turning back now. He's a member of a new Clan with a big-time chip on his shoulder...he's ambitious and believes that the rest of Rokugan should acknowledge and respect the Tsuruchi and the Wasp Clan as legitimate players in Rokugani society. Couple that with his low power ranking among the group and his Yojimbo status, I feel the Dark Power will slowly seduce him and corrupt his mind. Without the Craftsman's character to keep him in check, I fear the worst for my guy. From now on, if I ever tap into the Darkness, I believe I should disclose that info. only to theProf. (our GM)...I think it best that the rest of the group not know (as they're character's wouldn't) the depth of his descent into madness.
Played some Scrabble with theCraftman. I humbly submit that he the superior player...and by far. He's really REALLY good. I can't see the different plays that he sees. Its like a White Belt going up against a Black Belt. I'm 0-4 against him...but did I mention that its BEST OUT OF TEN!!! One more game my friend and if you win, I will be fully convinced your Scrabble Godhood status.
The GM made me copies of the pictures he and his better half took at our recent camping trip to Mendocino. Here is a better shot at the Easter Island MOA I created.

And my favorite food:

The Prof and his BBQ SPAM and Marshmallow sandwich...disgusting.

The Prof. leading NTT's Brain and GM onto the Fern Trail...don't worry, no faces as you can see...or not see.

See you later....
Had the BBQ Saturday. Great weather and good gaming. TheProf, Warden, Discourser, Acupunturist, NTT's Brain, GM, and even the Craftsman, wife, and baby managed to show. I ate a whole lot of fact, I pretty much ate or drank continuously for 12 hours straight. Even the down times were filled with noshing on brownie bites or nuts or grapes. My final meal was microwaved SPAM and Daly City ghetto is that. I'm getting my SPAM fix out of my system before my wife returns from Oaxaca. (Tonight I'm having fish-sticks and Vienna sausages...MMMMM)
Played character is falling into madness. His body and soul have been stained by the Shadowlands Taint. He knows he's infected but has no clue as to its severity. He's unconsciously tapping into the Dark potential not knowing the repercussions of its growing power. I fear that there is no turning back now. He's a member of a new Clan with a big-time chip on his shoulder...he's ambitious and believes that the rest of Rokugan should acknowledge and respect the Tsuruchi and the Wasp Clan as legitimate players in Rokugani society. Couple that with his low power ranking among the group and his Yojimbo status, I feel the Dark Power will slowly seduce him and corrupt his mind. Without the Craftsman's character to keep him in check, I fear the worst for my guy. From now on, if I ever tap into the Darkness, I believe I should disclose that info. only to theProf. (our GM)...I think it best that the rest of the group not know (as they're character's wouldn't) the depth of his descent into madness.
Played some Scrabble with theCraftman. I humbly submit that he the superior player...and by far. He's really REALLY good. I can't see the different plays that he sees. Its like a White Belt going up against a Black Belt. I'm 0-4 against him...but did I mention that its BEST OUT OF TEN!!! One more game my friend and if you win, I will be fully convinced your Scrabble Godhood status.
The GM made me copies of the pictures he and his better half took at our recent camping trip to Mendocino. Here is a better shot at the Easter Island MOA I created.
And my favorite food:
The Prof and his BBQ SPAM and Marshmallow sandwich...disgusting.
The Prof. leading NTT's Brain and GM onto the Fern Trail...don't worry, no faces as you can see...or not see.
See you later....
Supergoober, thanks for the shoutout about my blog, though I would like a modicum of credit for help on the Moa - my principle contributions were piling up a large quantity of sand and whining about how my work on it would likely destroy supergoober's vastly superior work - if that ain't a contribution, I don't know what is...
I am sure that I am not the only one who will say that we had a great time at GoobCon 1 (I know it's not the first, but we can start a new tradition now, right?), and I would like to thank you for graciously hosting the event. We should make it a regular thing whether your wife is out of town or not; she likes all of us, right ;)
But in all seriousness, that spam and marshmallow sandwich was wonderful, and you should try it - the combo of sweet and salty just makes it perfect (no comments from the peanut gallery - especially you, discourser; this is the internet - there are certain standards and decorum that must be maintained - yeah, right).
Also, in reference to your character - he really has not begun a descent into madness, yet. Like so many others, he is succumbing to the ease with which one can gain the power from Maho and the Taint. Most don't even realize that it is that power that they are tapping, and once they do, they see it as much more manageable then they have been told. This is where the insidious nature of the Shadowlands hides. Because of the immediacy and severity of the penalties for dabbling in Maho, many in Rokugan feel that just the merest touch of corruption will change their entire lives. When this doesn't happen, they feel much more comfortable with its use and manageability. Couple that with the ease with which one can attain enormous amounts of power, and you have an addiction that is very difficult to fight. And when there is no monetary cost of the addiction, consequences are gradual, and the resource you tap is always instantly available, you have a recipe for the perfect storm of corruption. Now that Fu Leng is dead, even more people dabble with it, because they feel that with the driving force behind the corruption gone, they will be less likely to succumb to the corruption of the Shadowlands.
Most people use it for somewhat noble reasons - advancing their clan, protecting Rokugan, or personal advancement. In doing this, they may be sowing the seeds of their own doom, but the sense of self-sacrifice is so strong in Rokugan that many are willing to pay this price, thinking that their sacrifice may be worth the additional protection they can offer Rokugan. Whether they are right or wrong is still a subject of much debate - though never in polite company, always in the shadows of the clans secret enclaves.
Have fun dabbling - it could be good for you and for Rokugan, or it could spell disaster - make sure you check out the maho spells as well, and thik about devoting your next insight rank to becoming a maho shugenja - there may be one closer to you than you think (an NPC may be there to guide you soon).
Geeze, you sound like a fortune cookie on that last comment, hahaha
It is not like a white belt and a black belt. I am more like a purple belt. I am pretty good but i have a lot to learn.I lose on a semi regular basis to the guys at work. If you watch the scrabble championship on espn 2 (YES ESPN)Those guys are like 15 don black belts and make me look like i am a slow adult. Those guys memorize the scrabble dictionary (all 200 thousand + words and can make anagrams really quickly. I don't think i will take it that seriously.
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