Monday, May 12, 2008

Quick 5/12 Weekend update:

1. Took my Mother out for dinner Friday. Good eats. Typical for my Mother; she barely ate her dinner and insisted I take the left-overs with me...and when I say insist, I mean INSIST. She wouldn't have it any other way. I relented to avoid an argument. Made her feel good that I did that.

2. A buddy of mine, Dorfless, has become quite a running machine. Never thought he had it in him. He's been supporting my running and encouraged me to keep trying despite my body's utter revulsion to it. He let me borrow Gallaway's Book on Running; pretty much the bible for runners. It examines and breaks down training regimens for beginners to world class runners. In a nutshell, I've been training completely wrong. I've been exposing myself to injury, and that revulsion I'm feeling is expected when training in the manner I've been for the past 2 years off and on. What it boils down to is: I give up and can't go further because I don't stop. Strange concept, huh. Even the world's greatest runners take walk or jog breaks. I haven't been. Gallaway recommends that I run at a comfortable pace, never overtaxing my aerobic capacity, until I feel a bit winded. At THAT point, I should STOP running, and walk until I get my wind back. I then keep a log detailing how long I run and walk in minutes. Even marathon runners will do what's called a 9-1 (nine minute run, one minute walk or jog). You do this for 30 minutes max, NO MORE.

Saturday, my wife and I gave it a try. Here's our log: 5/walk-stretch-6/run-4/walk-4/run-2/walk-3/run-4/walk-2/run-20/walk home. And the next day, I wasn't sore or stiff or in any I have a goal of 5-1 for 40 minutes by the end of summer.

3. Gamed Saturday night. Fun as hell, had most of the GoG in attendance, save thePerfectline (broken foot), theDuff (Oregon), Cajun (in the Midwest), Kawanga Kid (over seas), Mook (work), and theDiscourser (busy), and theCraftsman (caring for wife). Played Altandara with the Acupunturist as the GM. Started a new game game and looking forward to our next session. My character is theWarden, yes our friend theWarden, the man. Weird playing a character that happens to be both real and your friend.

4. Installed 60 ft. of drip line in our side yard. Connected it to the sprinkler main line. Had 19 separate 1/4 inch secondary drip lines and installed 20 1GP flood bubblers and 10 2GP mini-adjustable sprinkler heads. And the entire system is practically invisible. I buried the lines 3 inches down and all you see are the spray heads, if that!...particularly when I had them poke up from under the plant/flower leaves/petals. Took me pretty much all day and blew out my back in the process.

Thats it for now.


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