Monday, October 15, 2007

GoG gaming and the Rave-Boy brings bad car luck.

The GoG event was awesome. Nearly everyone was in attendance save thePerfectLine, Duff, Kawanga Kid, and Cajun. We even got NTT's Brain from Shanghai on Skype to do some on-line gaming...kewl. Played for hours on end, two separate games to be exact; L5R and Star about 2 ends of the technological spectrum. Constant eating on my part; Tapasilog and Show Pow from Ling Nam, and a #5 Double Cheeseburger combo from Mickey D's....soo bad and yet soo good...MMMM. It was awesome to see the Supertech all the way from Germany. He's working on super yachts in Hamburg.

I'd like to run L5R again. The Professor is doing a great job weaving an epic tale but I have a feeling that I could get a one-off gaming session that would get our Hack and Slash juices flowing.

So re. Rave-boy. It seems every time this guy gets into my car, something crazy happens in or around the car. Example:

1. While in my car at Thunderhill Raceway, the driver's side lower poly-eurathane SAMCO intercooler hose explodes....catastrophic symptom, but thank goodness it was an incredibly easy fix. For a second, I thought I blew an engine.
2. While riding in my car around the Mighty Mook's house, a car on the opposite side of the road misses the red light and locks up his brakes right in front of us. He slid out of control right into the center of the busy intersection. Thank goodness no-one was in the way.
3. While riding in my car on Crystal Springs road, a car attempts to drive up an impossibly steep driveway right in front of us, the car ends up dragging it's rear end up the hill with a loud crashing scrape with the accompanying shooting sparks.
4. While driving HIS car on Old Mission Road, emergency personnel closes off a one mile stretch due to a multi-car accident. We missed the event by only a couple of minutes.
5. While driving my favorite Go-path on Saturday, and while upshifting to 3rd and taching out the motor, the lower intercooler hose blows off it's mount in mid-corner. Again, a catastrophic symtom but a simple 1 dollar/10 minute fix.

He's bad luck for sure. Actually I think thePerfectline just might be worse. I'd say about half the time I'm in his car, he manages to get the back-end to tail-whip at least once...scary.

Also heard about theDiscourser's "Plight of the Missing Diamond". What a bummer. He has to get all "CSI" on this one...unleash the forensic protocol and bust out the magnifying glasses. Don't give up that easily my man!...That's 2 Grand just laying there somewhere.

I might need to get involved.


Blogger ThePerfectLine said...

Don't forget that *I* was the guy that blew out your first intercooler hose.

Plus, I get the backend out on purpose every time you are I the car, I drive much more normally when alone.

1:50 AM  
Blogger supergoober said...

Holy SHIT, the Perfectline chimes in. Dude, I can't seem to get onto your blog. What is it?

9:35 PM  

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