Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My legs....

....are killing me. Ran with my wife the other day, trying to get back into the running thing. She has been elliptical'ing nearly everyday and is clearly in much better shape than I. My legs are totally destroyed. It's been 2 days and the throbbing soreness abates only when I walk slowly on level surfaces. Even my clutch pedal causes pain. Oh well...I expected this.

Circuit training is the answer, BTW. I suppose if I was still 22, my body would be able to handle my old routine (example: 32 sets a week of just tri-ceps...killer). But at my age, forget it. 15 years ago, I would warm-up bench-press 225, working my way up to 295. I'd be lucky to do one rep of 225, or even 205 now....but the way I see it, Who gives a shit? I'm just happy I'm in relatively good shape. Took a fit test at the GYM last night: here's the numbers, 15.5 percent body fat, 22 wide chin-up's (not pull-ups) to failure, 59 push-ups to failure, did a horrible 22 incline sit-ups (Jeez those are hard), 108 over 68 Systolic/Diastolic at resting...the guy actually asked me if I was on a low-sodium diet...ME!!..LOW SODIUM...are you kidding me...I'm Filipino for christ's sake!

I'm great at anaerobic, but forget about aerobic conditioning. On a lucky day, I can do a 9 minute mile...for one mile, forget about a second. I gotta run with NTT's Brain one evening to get a sense of his pace cause even when I was running semi-regularly, I couldn't run more than 5k at one stretch before I'd get side stints and chin splints...or just get soo winded I had to stop and walk for a bit. I suppose at my pace, they call it jogging and not running. It's crazy cause ThePerfectLine runs a sub 7 minute mile without even trying; no stretching, no warm-up, no pre-week prep...he just puts on his shoes and runs a 6:30!...I guess it's genetics man.

Gotta go.


Blogger Stephen said...

Ok, Goober, the challenge is on! When I get back in a few weeks, we are going to see how far we can "jog", because I haven't done it in over a month. Too danm lazy. the trick of not getting craps, from my experience, is to hydrate before the run;) So get ready, foo!

2:06 PM  
Blogger supergoober said...

Awesome! I have a couple weeks to prep. One thing you have to remember NNT, I'm pretty much done after 6-12 laps of jogging in one stretch, even slowly. So let's not consider this a race...I'll be liable to stroke out if that were the case. Let's jog at a track, perhaps CSM? Let me know when you get back.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Stephen said...

oh, trust me, I'm a sloooow jogger, more like ten minute miles at best. laps are boring. Well try a leasure jog along Grant towards downtown and see how far we can get. Figure about twenty minutes out and back;)

3:56 PM  

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