Friday, October 13, 2006

Psychological ramifications of Catholic Indoctrination

I'm discovering that everytime I want to blog it's because I want to rant. But before I do, I should mention something that had me crying with laughter. At the bottom of a dusty tucked away cardboard box, I found an audio tape my buddy (the discourser) and I made nearly 20 years ago. It was a recording of 2 hours of teenage ramblings...the topics covered were, for the most part, girls and music. What's strange is that I can't fathom how the two idiots on this tape could possibly be us. Simply put, the recording demonstrates the psychological ramifications/damage of 12 years of catholic schooling/indoctrination. We were, at our core, angry as hell...and we essentially hated everyone equally...and had developed that special skill which entails the ability to logically argue a reason to hate nearly everything.

Though part of this presentation was genuine, most of it was clearly a fascade (our dress/attitude/language) founded in the need to provoke....typical teenage bull-shit. At one point, as a reaction formation to our Catholic indoctrination (the usual stuff: mortification of the body, beings embodying Original Sin, Hell as a very real place, internalization of an overbearing/judgemental god into ones psyche) and as a satirical response to the wave of rediculous death metal bands at the time, we decided to create our own band. Our band concept was simple; we took every satan worshipping death metal band/music cliche and took it to it's extreme....and in its final iteration came up with something utterly ludicrous. Unfortunately, or fortunately for that matter, our project never got off the ground. This tape I found, however, did have some vocal tracks and sample lyrics for one of our "songs" use the term loosely. So as not to break my own self-contrived blogging rules, delineated on my first blog, I will not print the lyrics. But rest assured, it cannot get any worse than this....and the vocal delivery?...well imagine the disembodied voice in the Amityville Horror (the original, of course) with strep throat.

So I've GOT to get back to work. I'll blog again soon.


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